[quote=Odran and the Captain]"We need to send a small party - no more than eight or so people - to go and have a quiet, civilized negotiation with the city militia and convince them that we only want to pass through." "Send the emotional trainwreck of a firestarter, the trigger-happy cutthroat, the unrestrained prankster extraordinaire, some random, newly-joined elf - make sure they are as stuck up as possible - a physically and mentally scarred monster hunter, a dwarven ranger - you never know when beast trapping will come in handy in an urban environment - oh, and the venerable swordmaster veteran." "That last one was almost sensible, but the rest of that 'lineup' is a rout waiting to happen. Glad I won't be there to see it when the blood starts pouring." "You're going too." "WHAT?!?"[/quote]