[center][h1]Wesley[/h1][/center] [b]Somewhere on route 4, interacting with [@Bigg Slamm] and [@Pyromania99][/b] [hr] The weather was lovely as usual in the garden by Lumiose City, bird pokemon sang softly, and green grass made for a lovely background to the many colourful flower patches. Wesley watched the young trainer with the ground/ghost pokemon, pretending to relax by one such patch of flowers with Luxio, Wesley had awoken at an unholy hour, starting his training with Luxio early, They'd battled several trainers and done a long jog, and decided to take a break at a peaceful place. That was until he noticed Logan battle with some trainer, his calmness in battle was commendable, as was his knowledge of his pomemon, he had to battle this trainer. He made special note of the move that phased through the Gollet. Wesley was just about to get up and challenge the trainer when he noticed another female approach him. [color=salmon][b]"Quite the ladies man."[/b][/color] remarked Wesley. After a moment of thought, he decided to approach the young trainer, which is precisely what he did. [color=salmon][b]"You there, with the Golett, I challenge you to a Pokemon battle, 1v1, winner gets 500."[/b][/color] Wesley believed with all his heart that he'd win this battle, there was no doubt about it in his mind, it was a matter of fact. Besides, he only had 64 pokedollars.