[u][b]Hakurei (25), Capitol city of Zakol - Royal palace[/b][/u] Lord Claymont was not five minuets in his office before a line of servants began carrying papers & boxes in, Lord Rahmas appearing among them "Glad to have you back Claymont! i really don't like having to do both of our jobs", Claymont grinned "sorry for inconveniencing you". Rahmas took a seat igoreing the steady stream of servants coming & going "So you displeased with the princesses actions?" Claymont briefly looked away before he spoke "I don't understand her, i advised her of the political implications and... she ignored me, i viced my concerns at this alliances unity and again she..." Lord claymont took his seat as he continued "and the one time during that meeting i thought she was making a power-play, instead she was testing the how truly committed the new parties attending the talks were after the recent hostilities". Rahmas looked puzzled "and be doing so we ended up with more allies in the north, & technology more specifically these gunpowder weapons?, i don't see... Ah! your upset because everyone's looking at the immediate threat while your worrying about politics after..." Claymont went silent as Rahmas continued "My friend, with how serve this invading threat is, we-no all of Alria will be lucky if we can survive it, worry about power struggles, alliances, & politics after the threats been repelled!". Claymont nodded "Not much to worry about in any case, the princess will simply go back to the way Zakol was before and make the kingdom a neutral center of trade..." Rahmas laughed as he got up from his chair "What would you have her do? go on a conquest to conquer all of Alria and establish her own empire?, are you sure your not missing your old homelands politics?". Claymont gave a glare that could of killed at that last remark "I am a citizen of Zakol, and forever will be! i'll never go b-" Rahmas waved his hand as he began to leave "It was a jest calm down friend". Several minuets later... High priestess Yotul barged into Claymonts office "Tushienia? leaders of the alliance?!, them unholy practitioners corrupting the laws of nature with unnatural magics?!" Claymont looked up from his current stack of papers "...The princess seemed happy with the result perhaps take the matter up with her?" he paused recalling something some months back "Wait, that's right!, that ambassador from Tushienia asked how you where... his name was Nuyor?" Claymont almost lept out of his chair when Priestess Yotul slammed her fists onto his desk "Don't mention his name to me again we was a friend and a very talented magi before he started messing them evil forbidden magics, he is long dead as far as i am-" Claymont looked puzzled before recalling the bony hooded figure he met with "his sons seemed human enough?". Before Claymont had realised it he was in the room himself as he finished speaking Priestess Yotul having left after saying her piece, curious Claymont wrote an order to one of his agents "Find any information on priestess Yotul & past acquaintances" Claymont field it deeply curious on how the two knew each-other in the past, he was caught by surprise when one of his Ogre guards spoke up having been leaning over his shoulder when he'd been writing "She wasn't always the high priestess you know, she was originally a magi acolyte at the temple herself once upon a time, and traveled Alria in her youth, word is she even went beyond Alrias boarders further west". Claymont turned to look at the wall of armor standing behind him "oh?, and how long have you known her?" The Ogre removed his helmet revealing a rather Elderly Ogre that seemed almost as old as General Grumret, "My baby sister? all of her life!" The ogre smiled as he put his helmet back on "Word of advice sir, don't pry into a womens history without their consent it doesn't end well when they find out..." The Ogre saluted and returned to his position at the back wall of the office opposite the other guard. Claymont only uttering the words "good advice" before he shredded the outgoing order. [u][b]Kirt Province (16) - Military camp Hq[/b][/u] "Father!" a young looking Ogre officer yelled running over towards General Mokur and handing his papers over "Reporting in sir!" he spoke eagerly snapping a sharp salute, Volaq Mokur stood there surprised for a moment "You graduated the acad-" The young officer burst with pride "Yes father with flying colors too, i told you i'd make the family proud!, and i got posted here with the new recruits to help recuperate the some of the losses". General Mokur sighed deeply "Larek..." he looked at his kid "...just go have the new recruits parade for inspection i will be there shortly". Mokurs second in command the ever dutiful War-Magi smiled "want me to see if we can get him trans-" Mokur shook his head "no i wont have favoritism or anything going on, he's doing his duty as we all are for Zakol". The War-Magi nodded quietly "in that case we should assign him to the routine patrols to start building his experience". Mokur nodded "a good simple start, that'll be fine, also make sure everyones prepared to move at a moments notice in case we have to reinforce our allies, now imma go see to the new replacements that have arrived". The general walked out of the command tent lost in thought, Leaving his second in command to make the arrangements & preparations. [hider=Actions] > Military Action - Resting & recruiting forces > Personnel Transfer - 2 more warships to each of the two fleets. > Recruitment - 1 units heavy infantry (27) - (Nts: of 2 units) - 1 unit heavy infantry (25) - 1 unit arquebusiers (18) - 1 unit conscript Infantry (16) - 1 units heavy Cav () - (Nts: of 6 units) - 0 units Crossbowmen () - (Nts: of 4 units) > Naval Construction - 2 war ships (18) - 2 war ships (25) > Research - Trains (turn 3) [/hider] [hider=Garrisons] North Zakol (18) - 3 unit Heavy Cav South Zakol (25) - Yui wolph - lucretia arnet - Glasha Yotul - Priestess of the Sun & Moon - 1 unit banshees - 5 units, Crossbowmen - 1 units, War Magi - 1 units, Magi (20) - 3 units,Trebuchet artillery - 4 units, Light Infantry - 24 units, Heavy Infantry - 3 unit heavy cavalry - 1 unit, Javalin Ogres Mandalia (27) - Ozma Torth - Loxa Venn - Lt.General Grumret - 6 Units of Light Infantry - 25 Units of Heavy Infantry - 4 Units of Archers - 3 Units of War-Magi - 2 Units of Magi - 5 Units of Heavy Cavalry - 2 Units of Artillery Kirt Province (16) - Volaq Mokur - 2 Unit of Light Infantry - 26 Units of Heavy Infantry - 2 Units of Archers - 2 War-Magi - 1 Unit of Magi - 4 Artillery - 3 unit Conscript Infantry Navy Locations - 7 warships (E12) - 10 warships (E13) - 10 warships (F13) - 57 transports (E12) [/hider]