[sub]- - - - (Personal Details)[/sub] [b]First Name:[/b] Charles [b]Last Name:[/b] Richardson [b]Age:[/b] 38 [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Home Nation:[/b] Outer Sky Republic [b]Appearance:[/b] Tall, a good 6ft 5. Rather thin with eyes that could be described as mousy. [img]https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQXcMHIXOWw9ZaiS5NznvcHP06fj59ISi6oY3K9WJCOCI4JuIPy[/img] [b]Personality:[/b] What is there to truly say about personalities? Well, personalities can be judged in all manner of ways and I can tell you they are a pain to write. But here we have Mr Richardson, Captain Richardson. A picture of what happens when you allow someone to not have a psych evaluation. He is as mad as a box of kippers… wait? Does that work? Box of kippers can't always be mad. They are just kippers. Nevermind, he has been through hell and back and kept a smile on his face. Very few things will phase him, not to say he is invincible. He can never turn down a cat or a kitten. Heck if a lizard acts as a kitten he will become a ball of marshmallows (Which is far from normal) he oozes eccentricity and madness follows him wherever he goes. Friendly and funny are words that could follow him too, but if they are laughing t him or with him he will never know. [b]History:[/b] Born on a airship mid run from the west Sky Republic to the north the sky is all he knows and his only love. Born to a family of Skylarkers (I'll write some lore about them later) he was taught everything he needed to know when it came to flying and mid air combat, he wasn't what you would call a natural but he did enjoy it. He would spend all his free time on working and learning his craft the best degree he could manage. When he came of age he joined the Skylarks, an important military force that prevents bandits and pirates between the trading routs. When he got in he was given the rank and title of Lieutenant, however given his aloof nature he often flew off the rails preventing him from reaching any higher. When he reached the age of 29 he left the skylarks and from his earnings brought a ship to go adventuring, he realised too soon that he couldn't survive by adventuring so he took a job with the merchant navy flying surplus to the lands. He now finds himself at a loose end after being fired, and here his adventure begins. [b]Occupation:[/b] Airship Pilot doing runs from Outlying settlements of the exclusion zone this includes the occasional pass over Paradise but he has never seen what is there. [sub]- - - - (Power Matrix)[/sub] [b]Primary Focus:[/b] Arkane (But only for machines) [b]Magical Capabilities:[/b] All magic is done through the power of the machine not from him. Be that running a service on his ship or assistance with clearing the cannons [b]Body Modifications:[/b] A metal optical eye and a holster in his left arm and leg [b]Weapons and Equipment:[/b] Sky iron plate mail (Like a kevlar vest, protects the front and back with plate and the sides with chain, it's a vest though), Sky Iron leg plates. A large musket with the letters "SL LT C 'Hatter' Richardson Diamond Musket Company" it shows signs of lots wear and its wood has lost all signs of varnish (The musket is more of a repeaters, fires either normal rounds in a clip of 12 or explosive rounds in a clip of 5. Very rare gun), He has two basic looking muskets with the same lettering on the side (Fires Normal Shot) and Strapped on his leg is a sword painted in streaks of gold and blue. [b]Specialties:[/b] Flying, Fighting with sword and pistol. Firing cannons on the ship. Education.