[hider=Master] Name: Yen Sid Nickname: “That Crazy Old Man” Race: Human, Wizard Gender: Male Appearance: Like most people who reach a rather advanced age Yen Sid is a rather wrinkly looking old man, his once sharp face now droopy and tired looking like the rest of his body. He sports a thick gray beard alongside his practically now bald head. Despite his otherwise worn out appearance he still has somehow managed to keep a set of catching emerald green eyes that twinkle with youthful mischievousness. Due to his older age he walks with a permanent hunch which makes him appear as if he is a mere 5'5”. [img]http://i.imgur.com/OJJA6j9.jpg[/img] Job: Although he has no actual “job” Yen Sid is one of the most powerful thirteenth floor wizards-unfortunately a short time after he and Mickey made their way to the mundee world known as Earth he began to suffer from dementia, a condition that has caused him to become be a laughing stock among the few witches and wizards that reside in Fabletown. Despite his less then stellar status Yen Sid is known to randomly hand out glamors and perform other feats of magic for the lower class population of Fable Town (well, anyone really-its rather random.) His few and random spouts of clarity are poured into his project “to take back the homelands”-the specifics of which are completely unknown as he works within a private magical workspace that resides between various plains of existence. Personality: Cooky. Odd. Smart. Mischievous. The four words perfectly sum up Yen Sid, a man who was considered odd and goofy within the magic community well before he went batshit crazy. He has never lost his genuine, almost granfatherly like, kindness-a fact that makes his deteriorating condition only worse. Fable: Hailing from the realm of The Magic Kingdom Yen Sid held the title of Grand Wizard Master for what had seemed like an eternity-a royal title bestowed to the Kings personal court mage. Ever sense coming to the Mundee world Yen Sid has devoted his life to developing some sort of ultimate weapon or master curse (no one really knows what) to destroy the Adversary once and for all. Abilities: Like many of the other thirteenth floor men and women of high repute Yen Sid has mastered various forms of magic. He has actually forgotten more about magic then most people will ever hope to learn and is still one of the more powerful mages-in rare moments of clarity he can truly become a force to be reckoned with. Other: N/A for now. Once upon a time he caught a scruffy looking half starved boy in his vast libraries. The animal of a child poured over his books as if they were a five course meal-Yen was shocked the street urchin could even read. The poor boy practically jumped out of his skin as Yen made himself known with a slight, clearly forced, cough. “I see you've found the books on physical body transmutation. Fascinating subject really-oh to be young and fly as a bird, or howl at the moon as a wolf.” Yen briefly seemed lost in thought, his emerald eyes staring off into the distance as he recalled some favorable memories. The boy just stood glued to his seat while wearing a terrified expression-no doubt thinking of all the horror stories associated with most witches and warlocks. [/hider] & [hider=Apprentice] Name: In the homelands he was born into a situation where he never truly got to know his parents and likewise never received an official name, most often times being refereed to as “mouse” by fellow street children due to his tiny features and large front teeth. That was until he met his famed magical teacher, an arcane Master known as Yen Sid, who eventually gave the boy a strong name with ancient meaning-Muhkee. His Mundee drivers license reads “Mickey D. Mouse” Nickname: Mickey is one of those people whom others just love to nickname for some reason-Mic & Mouse being the two most common ways he is referred to among other Fables. Race: Human, Wizard Gender: Male Appearance: Perhaps one of the best ways to describe Mickey is as a very finely featured man with a medium build; ironically his sharp facial features being juxtaposed by his seemingly unblemished skin and cleanly shaven face. Despite his boyish good looks he still somehow manages to give off of a somewhat dangerous vibe: a fact that would make more sense to most people if they knew that the truth of the matter was his magic is what keeps his face looking so good and completely scar and wrinkle free. He stands at about 5'11” and weighs just under 190 pounds. [img]http://i.imgur.com/etgJGXF.jpg[/img] Job: Mickeys serious full time job is taking care of the now senile Yen Sid who lives on the thirteenth floor. He is also known to moonlight as a magician in the Mundy world outside of fabletown-although Bigby has been on him to quit doing this. Personality: Mickey suffers from a chronic case of “having to prove ones self”-whether that is chugging more beers then the woodsman down at the Yellowbrick Roadhouse or showing off his arcane prowess he truly cant resist the urge of a challenge-both spoken and unspoken. He is a rather street smart individual-whether surviving in the slums of the Magic Kingdom or navigating his way through New York he seems to have a nack for not only blending in to his surroundings but being rather charming when he so chooses. He is known to hold a grudge and has a slight temper-the more he is told not to do something the more he desires to do said thing. Fable: Through a string of events Mickey was able to become the apprentice to one of the most powerful wizards within his realm, The Magic Kingdom, and studied beneath the man for years. As the Adversarys forces began to waylay The Magic Kindom it didn't take long for the entire realm to realize all was lost-a mast exodus taking place as everyone that could get somewhere safe (often through portals to other worlds) did their best to do so. During this time Yen Sid, Mickeys Master, did his best to use his vast knowledge of the arcane arts to save all those in The Magic Kindom that he could-he and Mickey being the last two to leave their ruined homelands. It actually took them several years to find out there were other fables that had journeyed to the same world as them. Abilities: Being trained under Yen Sid Mickey has learned several magical tricks that have come in rather handy throughout his vast adventures. Mostly he specializes in: Elementalist: Although not a master years of practice have allowed Mickey to become somewhat skilled in the basic arts of matter manipulation-more specifically ice and electricity are his bread and butter. Shape shifting: The first spells Mickey ever truly understood were those that allowed him to alter his form-the one catch being he can only turn into other living creatures. Other: N/A for now [/hider]