[@thewizardguy] Richard grinned back up at her from his prone position. His tie hung loose around his neck, his white undershirt was stained with sweat from the short but intense fight, his hair was still immaculate without a single strand out of place, and he was smiling like a madman. "This old thing? 100% designed in the U.S.A. especially for little old me, but I'm sure Science Team made their modification when they put it back together. Guys are like activists, they're always trying to slip something in when you're not looking." Richard flipped a switch and the cockpit opened up proper. He took a deep breath of air, really savoring the flavor of it, before rising out of it to face her eye to eye. "But I love those sweet little bugs." He continued, adjusting his tie. "They perform science like nobodies business. They could build something ten, fifty, a hundreds times better than this piece of junk." Richard let the implication hang in the air for a moment before smashing it. "That's a bribe. I'm bribing you. Ditch the losers that you work with and join up with the Reign of Chaos. You'd fit right in with that sunny disposition of yours, and you'd probably be running the place after a while. There are tons of signing bonuses, but when they tried explaining them all to me I got so bored I took a nap." Richard extended his hand to her while fiddling with a pin on . "And if you're not interested, at least give me a name I can carry with me to Hell."