Oh God, when she looked at him with that blush dusting her cheeks, Sans thought his soul was about to leave his chest. It wasn't like he hadn't thought of her like this before, but it had never been this intense. And as she mentioned Toriel, he silently both thanked and cursed the old goat. She really was a devil in monsters clothing. At the question about the barrier, he debated on how much he should tell her. Obviously not too much, but she was trying to change the subject, so he had to say something. "Well, we haven't gotten any closer to breaking it, but Alphys said she'd do a few more experiments on it and get back to me when she has something. We knew it wasn't gonna be easy, so we're all just kinda in it for the long haul, ya know," he said looking ahead. Of course part of his answer was a lie, but she didn't need to worry about it. He didn't want her to feel guilty over something she couldn't help. And he wouldn't even think of letting her volunteer for the one way they knew to break it. All they could do was be patient and hope for the best. Thinking back though, she was such a sweet kid, she might think of that solution on her own. Frisk was naive, but smart. She paid more attention to detail than most gave her credit for. Even Sans had been guilty of that a few times.... Especially when she'd managed to see through his attacks and killed him those few times. Granted, he'd done much worse to her. He'd torn her to shreds the first time, angry that she'd murder his poor innocent brother, and when she kept coming back, he would just mercilessly destroy her over and over. The second time, it was more of an annoying game. He'd fake an opening, crack some dark, humorless joke, and killed her quickly. By the third time he'd noticed that something was off about her. Like it wasn't really her inside that body. But that had made it easier for him. And from then on out, each time they fought, he'd drop hints of things he remembered from that first timeline. All of the fun Frisk had had with everyone, those silly moments when Undyne had tried so hard to be her friend, even how Tori had cared for her like her own child. But it had taken time. Shaking those depressing thoughts away, Sans looked at her again, just taking her in. She was so much older now. She'd weaseled her way into everyone's hearts so that their lives were inconceivable without her. And if she ever took the path of genocide again, Sans didn't think he'd have the heart to fight her. Not after all of this. The only way he could is if he truly forgot, if his memory reset like everyone else's. But he knew it wouldn't. It was both a blessing and a curse. "So, uh... Maybe I should start wearing tux around? I think I'd look pretty sharp," he joked lightly. His attention was suddenly stolen as they finally approached the house. Uncharacteristic as it was, Sans opened the door and motioned for Frisk to head in first. He was SO lame...