[b]Winter of the Year 2718[/b] The winter not only brings the biting cold, but it brings things far worse. Nightmarish creatures close in on the flickering lights of resistance from all directions. Soon, there will be none who have not faced the true horror of the Darkness. The approaching shadows has united nations under a common banner, but distrust runs rife as whispers of creeping darkness spread across the nations. Whether Alria will withstand against the Darkness, may well be decided before the snows next fall. Continuing to raise their strength, [b]New Engelica[/b] once more rides to aid their Dwarven allies of the Broken Empire, though now only sending a handful Magi and War-Magi to the front line against the encroaching Darkness, to act as healers and provide what support they can. The elves are all too weary of the shadow now creeping across the waters towards them from the north. Their lands still protected by the burning mire, [b]Tushienia[/b] enjoys a respite, however brief, from the forces of the Darkness. Learning what they could of their foe, new research emerged of ways to combat the foul creatures that would no doubt come once more with the frost. For now the line had held, but for how much longer could it hope to do so? Finding the new tribe leaders far more welcoming than those who came before them, plans are drawn out by the [b]Broken Empire[/b] as the Dolarti Tribe fall back in their masses in the face of the Darkness. As the front line continues to fall back, the Dwarves and Orcs of the Empire will no doubt face the true might of the Darkness itself as the first snows begin to fall. The [b]Kingdom of Zakol[/b], still reeling somewhat from the negotiations of the newly forged alliance, prepare their fleets once more for the nightmarish creatures from the depths. As the waters began to freeze, the proud sailors of the great nation know that even their darkest dreams will not match the horrors they face in the coming months. Gathering all the knowledge it could, the [b]Republic of Andinon[/b] did what it could to brace itself for the inevitable assault of the Darkness as the nights continue to lengthen, and nothing but the cold winter sun brings any light to the land. Having already suffered defeat at the hands of the shadow, how much longer can the soldiers of the Republic to defend their lands. [b]Pankra[/b] once more prepared itself for the Darkness attacks that did not come. The waters were eerily silent as the undead stood motionless, empty eyes cast out across the waves as the Magi controlling them shivered, not from the biting cold, but instead from the sense of dread as dark shapes moved beneath the water. The newly forged [b]Republic of Outcasts[/b] also braced itself for the coming Darkness, whispers of hideous creatures passed like wildfire through the nation, despite any attempts to quell the paranoia. Soon the stories had reached outlandish levels, and the defenders doubted that any such monsters could possibly exist. They would soon be proven wrong. Proving itself a powerful nation in its own right for the first time, [b]Orngat[/b], perhaps shaken from it's idleness by the approaching Darkness to the north, prepare to impose themselves for the first time. [img]http://orig05.deviantart.net/f7c4/f/2016/034/a/3/map_by_romerorp-d9qdjr1.png[/img] [hider] [u][b]Provinces 1-24[/b][/u] [hider]Province 1 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 2 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 3 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 4 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 5 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 6 - [b]Republic of Andinon[/b][i](Eklipse)[/i] Province 7 - [b]Tushienia[/b][i](Bright_Ops)[/i] Province 8 - [b]Duringis[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 9 - [b]Duringis[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 10 - [b]Tushienia[/b][i](Bright_Ops)[/i] Province 11 - [b]Tushienia[/b][i](Bright_Ops)[/i] Province 12 - [b]Tushienia[/b][i](Bright_Ops)[/i] Province 13 - [b]Republic of Andinon[/b][i](Eklipse)[/i] Province 14 - [b]Republic of Andinon[/b][i](Eklipse)[/i] Province 15 - [b]Republic of Andinon[/b][i](Eklipse)[/i] Province 16 - [b]Kingdom of Zakol[/b][i](BlackRose)[/i] Province 17 - [b]Tushienia[/b][i](Bright_Ops)[/i] Province 18 - [b]Kingdom of Zakol[/b][i](BlackRose)[/i] Province 19 - [b]Republic of Andinon[/b][i](Eklipse)[/i] Province 20 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 21 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 22 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 23 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 24 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color][/hider] [b][u]Provinces 25-61[/u][/b] [hider]Province 25 - [b]Kingdom of Zakol[/b][i](BlackRose)[/i] Province 26 - [b]Iparis[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 27 - [b]Kingdom of Zakol[/b][i](BlackRose)[/i] Province 28 - [b]Krognar Tribe[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 29 - [b]Krognar Tribe[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 30 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 31 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 32 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 33 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 34 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 35 - [b]Dolarti Tribe[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 36 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 37 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 38 - [b]Bripiak[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 39 - [b]Bripiak[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 40 - [b]Dolarti Tribe[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 41 - [b]The Broken Empire[/b][i](ForKhorne)[/i] Province 42 - [b]Bripiak[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 43 - [b]Bripiak[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 44 - [b]Bripiak[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 45 - [b]Bripiak[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 46 - [b]The Broken Empire[/b][i](ForKhorne)[/i] Province 47 - [b]The Broken Empire[/b][i](ForKhorne)[/i] Province 48 - [b]The Broken Empire[/b][i](ForKhorne)[/i] Province 49 - [b]The Broken Empire[/b][i](ForKhorne)[/i] Province 50 - [b]The Broken Empire[/b][i](ForKhorne)[/i] Province 51 - [b]The Broken Empire[/b][i](ForKhorne)[/i] Province 52 - [b]New Engelica[/b][i](Legion02)[/i] Province 53 - [b]New Engelica[/b][i](Legion02)[/i] Province 54 - [b]Orngat[/b][i](PlatinumSkink)[/i] Province 55 - [b]New Engelica[/b][i](Legion02)[/i] Province 56 - [b]Orngat[/b][i](PlatinumSkink)[/i] Province 57 - [b]Orngat[/b][i](PlatinumSkink)[/i] Province 58 - [b]New Engelica[/b][i](Legion02)[/i] Province 59 - [b]New Engelica[/b][i](Legion02)[/i] Province 60 - [b]New Engelica[/b][i](Legion02)[/i] Province 61 - [b]Broken Empire[/b][i](ForKhorne)[/i][/hider] [b][u]Provinces 62-70[/u][/b] [hider]Province 62 - [b]The Confederacy of Sawl[/b][i](Lauder)[/i] Province 63 - [b]Pankra[/b][i](Mardox)[/i] Province 64 - [b]Pankra[/b][i](Mardox)[/i] Province 65 - [b]Pankra[/b][i](Mardox)[/i] Province 66 - [b]The Confederacy of Sawl[/b][i](Lauder)[/i] Province 67 - [b]The Confederacy of Sawl[/b][i](Lauder)[/i] Province 68 - [b]Republic of Outcasts[/b][i](Catchphrase)[/i] Province 69 - [b]Republic of Outcasts[/b][i](Catchphrase)[/i] Province 70 - [b]Republic of Outcasts[/b][i](Catchphrase)[/i][/hider][/hider]