"Nngh, Gods, what?" Starla Stratos curled her legs under her body, pulled her blankets over her head before she pushed herself up to kneel, stretching her arms back and popping a few of her joints. "Damnit. I was dreamin'..." With a groan and a huff, the Madronean jumped down from her top bunk. A golden crystal hung around her neck, matching her hair. She dressed quickly, in under a minute, before she jogged from her sleeping quarters to her gunner station. The gunner crewperson jumped down into her seat, wiggling in and getting comfortable as she flipped switches to bring her manual targetting online. She could see the enemy, a ship about their size. Launching fighters, which means she would be on point defense first. She cycled through her available weapons, settling on the plasma beam. It was just waiting for the enemy to get in range, then, before she would unleash blazing beamy death upon their assailants.