[color=pink][h1][center]Puella Magi: The Wild Hunt[/center][/h1][/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/m3OidJH.jpg[/img] Mahou Shoujo, young girls who fight against dark creatures with their body and soul. These girls have been protecting the world without recognition, fighting in exchange for the granting of one wish. The city of Danzig is no different. Magical Girls fight to protect the people from monsters known only as witches. Whether the girls fight for selfish or just reasons is inconsequential: As a magical girl, they will fight. And that fight will only become more difficult as Danzig faces a threat unlike anything that has happened before... [hr] This is a Puella Magi Madoka Magica roleplay set in Danzig, Poland. Playing the role of a magical girl who lives and fights in the city of shifting peoples, try and overcome what has been decided for you or bow and succumb to the fate of despair. No matter which path you choose, the moment the contract was made battle was the only thing in these girls' futures. The application itself will be pretty typical, though your magical girls experience level will be randomized to add some flair. [hr] [hider=Character Sheet, format how you please] Name: Name. I hope they have one. Age: Magical girls can be between twelve years old and seventeen years old. Characters under fifteen have a little more potential(threads of fate), while characters above fifteen have a bit more of an adult mentality(experience). Appearance: You may describe your character or use a picture. Bonus points for both. Regardless of which you do, describe their soul gem, its form, and location. Nationality: Danzig is a port city, and should be bustling around this time of the year. Almost anyone can be found here as tourists or on business. Personality: How does this character view the world, allies, enemies, and their self? What are their mannerisms and beliefs? Why exactly did they make a wish? Afflictions: This should be blank. Over the course of the roleplay and as despair mounts, your character may gain temporary or permanent psychological effects. They would be listed here. Wish: What exactly was the deal you made with the devil? Quote it in the exact words she uttered to Kyubey and explain it and the results(Though these can be ongoing) Biography: What was their past before being a magical girl? How were they put into a position to gain a wish? What are they doing now? If your character starts with four or above experience, then you can have them know the truth about magical girls if it pleases you. This will naturally increase your starting despair however. Skills: Nothing to do with combat. Just the things they're talented at or have learned to do. Threads of Fate: This is your characters maximum potential as a magical girl. The higher this is, the stronger your wish is- at or above ten, it is capable of surpassing the normal laws of the universe such as entropy. I'll give this to you before you apply. You get one lifetime reroll for Threads of Fate. It is very hard to raise Threads of Fate in the roleplay. Magical Weapon: Sayaka's sword, Homura's shield. These are weapons or equipment made from magic that your character uses in battle. They do not cost magical energy to use, so they're good for energy conservation. Experience: This is your characters current level of mastery over their magical powers. Thus, it's the power of your magical girl. Gaining more experience is harder if it's above your Threads of Fate. I'll give a random number for this before you apply(You may always choose to have a lower number then what is given). You get one lifetime reroll for experience. Experience will raise given time, training, and doing extraordinary acts. Magical Ability: Homura's manipulation of time, Sayaka's ultra regeneration, and so on. Distinct from a weapon, these are usually in some way related to your characters wish and personality. They can be quite potent. You should describe the core ability(Manipulation of time for Homura as an example) then any secondary abilities(Pocket space for Homura) branching off from that core ability. Higher experience means you have more mastery over your core ability(And thus can do more with it, resulting in more secondary abilities). Higher Threads of Fate means it has more potency as an ability. Signature and Finisher: At a certain level of experience, your character will be capable of doing a signature attack and a finishing attack. Signature attacks are a beefier than normal attack you may use a couple times during a fight to manipulate an opponents position or do direct damage. Finisher attacks are like Tiro Finale; they are excessively powerful, but should be used at the correct time to finish the fight decisively. If you don't keep your head and time it properly, unhappy times may be ahead for you. ██████: The measure of your characters mental state. In other words, this is the level of despair they have. Using excessive magic, seeing or experiencing horrific things, and just generally living increases this. The soul gem becomes more tainted over time, reflecting their level of despair and magic use of a character. Using a Witch's seed can lower this significantly or completely. Some experiences or situations can add despair that can never be gotten rid of, and will remain no matter how many Witch seeds are used. This reflects permanent psychological damage. The exact number will be given to you based upon your characters starting experience. [/hider] [hider=ToF and Experience] Threads of Fate This may seem like it does nothing, but it determines your magical girls true potential. It also directly correlates to how powerful their Witch is after despairing. 10-9: You will likely kill everyone in this RP once you despair. Core abilities are the most potent among magical girls; they're capable of interacting with formless imaginary things, like concepts 8-7: A cut above the average; Homura and her unusual abilities to manipulate time would fall around this level. Despite not having a weird ability, this is probably where Mami is because of her raw power. 6-1: The typical average girl is around here. The magical abilities of Sayaka would probably fall around this level. When you think of "magical girls", this is where you usually find your answer 0: Average joe schoolgirl; they wouldn't get targeted by Kyubey due to the limited energy gain Experience The amount of skill your character has in Magical Girling. It's essentially how much mastery they have over their own abilities 10-9: ??? 8: A master magical girl. They understand their limits completely and have fought countless enemies. Six secondary abilities 7: An elite veteran who has fought many battles, and has mastery over their own abilities. Around where Mami Tomoe is. One Finisher Move 6: Veteran magical girl. Five secondary abilities 5: An experienced magical girl who is on her way to being a veteran. One Signature Move, and Four secondary abilities 4: Average magical girl who is not particualry experienced but is not green. Three secondary abilities 3: A rookie magical girl who has fought battles, but still hasn't understood her abilities yet. Two secondary abilities 2: Greenhorn who has entered battle once or a few times. One secondary ability 1: Has no experience with abilities or fighting. One core ability 0: Cosplayer who thinks they're a magical girl [/hider] [hider=Witch's Sheet] Name: Both runic and normal Appearance: A picture will likely not work well. Witches are monsterous beings who can take almost any form, but all of them are outlandish and perhaps even disturbing. Abilities: The capabilities of a Witch. It should be based on their Wish, subconcious, and may vaguely be related to their original abilities. Barrier: The expression of a magical girls mental landscape before becoming a Witch. They are completly foreign to humans, and might as well be another world. It goes without saying that if any human enters one, it's game over for them. Barriers are completly Otherworldly, and appear not to follow the normal rules of logic that Earth does. Their location in Danzig should also be covered here. Familiars: A critical component of a Witch, they patrol and guard a Witch's barrier. Familiars can become Witch's themselves if they consume enough humans. They are often as archaic and illogical as the barrier around them. ToF: Measurement of power for a Witch. Corresponds to their ToF as a magical girl. Also, this directly correlates to the amount of humans they may influence with a Witch's kiss. The highest starting ToF is five; this limit will be increased each major encounter the RP has with a Witch, thus increasing the rough power a Witch can in turn have. You may select your ToF yourself as long as it's at or under the cap; however if you choose to determine your ToF by randomization there is a chance to go above the cap. The cap is in place to make sure we don't start out fighting super witches, mostly. Original Wish: The exact words of their original wish, as a quote. Past Life: A basic summary of who they were, what they did, and why and how they became a Witch. It can be fairly short if you just skim over the above, but it can also be as long as you like. [/hider] [hider=Q&A] [i]Will this RP have weird dice rolls?[/i] No. Experience level and Threads of Fate are randomized during the character sheet phase, but that's just to add variety among our magical girls. We won't be doing any dice rolls or other stuff here. It's all you and your writing. The one exception is despair; how much you gain and the effects of it are determined by randomization to make things spicier. [i]Is the white furball relevant?[/i] Yes, he is. Kyubey will sometimes work with your characters, sometimes against them. The power of your magical girls, the level of Witch they fight, and their level of knowledge all determine how he interacts with you as an individual and as a group. Remember; he has an agenda, and he will seek to complete it. At the same time, he has no particular interest in getting your characters killed without good reason. [i]Can I apply a Witch and mess with everyone?[/i] Yes, a sheet for Witches will be added to the OOC when it's put up. It is encouraged that people make use of player-made Witches. It ought to make the fights more interesting. Just don't become too attached to your Witch and ensure no conflicts of interest pop up. [i]How do I get my Experience and Threads of Fate so I can start on my application?[/i] Just state that you're here. I'll roll for you and then give you the results. Pray for the best. You get one re roll for both experience and ToF. I will do any rolls for my characters on a public dice roller to ensure there's no conflict of interest. [i]Is Friendship the answer?[/i] Yes, probably. Your best bet to beat back despair and defeat witches is to use friendship and teamwork. But you aren't required too. [i]Will I fall into despair?[/i] Probably. Or worse. Remember, one person falling into despair may cause others to do so as well. This can result in hilarious despair domino effects that could ruin any still sane characters day. [i]How many characters can I have?[/i] One is likely for the best, but I'm willing to allow a few people two. You are free to drop a character if you believe that using them has gotten stale. If that's the case, make sure how they exit the RP is done in an interesting and non abrupt way. [i]What is the status of the canon?[/i] This happens before the events of the original series finale. It happens around the same time as the original series does, except this takes place in Europe rather than Japan. However, this could be any timeline. [i]Can I play someone who isn't a magical girl?[/i] You may, but your usefulness in combat will be practically null. It is possible to play a girl with the potential to become a magical girl, which is a bit more viable. [i]Is it possible to claim territory of my own in Danzig?[/i] You can say that a certain area is yours and other magical girls should avoid it in uniform. This can help you keep up a supply of grief seeds. However words are just words. People can completely ignore what you say; when it comes down to that, only weapons can decide who has the right to those lands. [i]Is it possible to use a dark Magical Girl?[/i] Yes. More details can be revealed to you about that via private message. [i]Can I form a team of magical girls?[/i] Sure. It will help your character defeat larger Witches, and be a place for your magical girl to learn. Keep in mind grief seeds are limited, so large groups will inevitably implode. [i]Can I apply to be a co-GM?[/i] Yes, you may. At a later point in time more details will be revealed about the process. [i]How relevant is despair?[/i] Exceedingly. It's more dangerous than the Witches themselves, in many ways. As your despair gets higher, the chances for your character breaking also increase. If they break, they fall into despair and become a witch. It's a genuine instant death. With the power of soul gems, even if half your body is lost you can still be repaired later. There is no saving a character who becomes a witch. [i]What if my character becomes a Witch?[/i] Then they are a Witch, and are considered irrevocably no longer a character. You may then create a witch out of them using the witch application. You can turn over control of that witch to me, or choose to keep use of them for yourself. [i]What happens in the event my character goes insane?[/i] I will make a post outlining how they are insane, and to set the tone of how they'd likely act. After that, you should RP your character accordingly until they recover their wits. In extreme cases, you may briefly lose control of your character. This is the worst possible scenario. Thankfully, a character cannot become permanently insane as a magical girl. They'd just become a Witch instead. [i]What are afflictions?[/i] They are temporary/permanent mental or physical problems caused by despair. They can negatively effect your characters actions, social standing, or even limit their abilities. At high levels of despair, these will become more common. Rarely, afflictions can be positive; these represent moments when your character looks into the abyss and the abyss is found wanting rather than they themselves. True heroes are forged in flame, not safety. [i]Can I rebel against the Incubators?[/i] You can. It doesn't carry much of a benefit in this situation, and I doubt you'd make a dent. In other words, it's basically a waste. But little girls aren't exactly the most logical. [i]Can I run around telling Magical Girls the Truth?[/i] Sure. But they'll likely just think you're a lunatic, and may outright fight you. Even if you can convince them, it will likely cause them great amounts of despair and instability. Sometimes life is a better teacher than a twelve year old. [i]Do I have to live a normal life?[/i] Yes, you do. There'll be consequences among your social circle, family, school and perhaps even the police if you just blow off being a normal girl. That means schooling, most likely not staying out until midnight, and other such things. Prepare excuses in advance, or your character could face mounting complications from her regular life. This could make being a magical girl much harder, not to mention the likely resulting despair of personal issues. [i]What is the current year?[/i] Somewhere in the near or far future. If I had to make a guesstimate, anywhere at or passed 2040. Technology is advanced, but this RP takes place at around the same time the original show does. So, if it would seem out of place there, it's out of place here. Danzig is a very historical city with many old buildings of both polish and germanic design. As such, the city is probably pretty rustic compared to other areas in the world, at least in the older sections. [/hider]