"I still think I'm dead, I just fell off a cliff, face first in to a lump of granite" he said raising a hand in lazy greeting to Atropos, "I'm dice, nice to meet you, I guess you could call me a compulsive risk taker." he said grinning. "wait, if I'm dead, that means I can't die again. sweet!" he grinned and went to pull his backpack off his shoulders, catching sight of the blade out of the corner of his eye, without thinking he flung his hands up to block his body, a sudden blast of kinetic energy hurling the sword away from his body. "woah...." he clenched and unclenched his hand, small sparks of energy falling off it as the energy dissipated, "someone care to explain what in the bloody hell just happened?" he also finished pulling his backpack from his shoulders and fishing out his thermos flask. "tea anyone?"