[center][h3]Crypt of Hopes and Dreams - F1 13/6/2015 Saturday[/h3][/center] [color=slategray]"That was the intention, or one of them, the other was rescuing you... But..."[/color], Rui paused for a bit, expecting Alexei to fall to exhaustion like everyone else had... But when it became clear that it was not going to happen, he continued, [color=slategray]"Nevermind..."[/color], at that moment, Ayano informed the team that the dungeon wasn't very big at the moment, so they could catch up to Alexei's sister very quickly. With that understood, [color=slategray]"Alright, it doesn't look like I can stop you from going further in with us, so let's get going"[/color], he said, turning to Alexei, and then to the door ahead, which with the defeat of the shadow, was now unsealed. Alexei's sister wasn't much further, and not just that, the cultist members were there too... This could be a big break for them, although something bothered Kami, and also Rui... One of the theories was that these cultists were the ones who created the shadows when people were put into the mirror world... But with it naturally occurring, as Alexei had simply pursued... That wasn't the case, so what was the cult really after then? If shadows and Personas were something they were not aware of?