Simon immediately took note of a particular bounty: Mourner Muldoon, worth 250 Hds. Without a second thought, he tore the poster from the wall, folding it into the inner pocket of his duster. The smell of alcohol suddenly became very rich, however, and Simon turned slightly to take notice of him. The old man was trying to steal away a great opportunity from him by speaking the younger two individuals. Information about Abner Hogan. [i]Jackpot,[/i] the Bounty Hunter thought. As the two walked towards a table, Simon feigned apathy as he walked away to the bar. He would keep his attention on them, but for the mean time... "Bartender," he began, his voice a dark and raspy baritone. "A tall glass of water." Simon slammed 5 Hds onto the table. "And a little extra if ye can tell me anythin' 'bout one Mourner Muldoon." He added, his lips twitching into something akin to a smile. [i]Good thing I have my ears open, otherwise I might have to worry 'bout my finances.[/i]