Cole sighed, wrapping his cloak about him tighter. He kicked at a pebble, watching it roll and bounce off other smaller pebbles. He sipped at his beer, cheap and watered down as it was. At least the barkeep served him. And let him sit on the back porch. [i]You can sit anywhere you want to, Cole. There's nothing that anyone can do about it. Let them whine and pant like the dogs they are. We can silence them for good if they bark to loudly.[/i] Cole made a small noise. "No. I said no." His voice was raspy, reed-thin. "If you try anything-" [I]You'll what? Cry? Have another panic attack? Please do, I can come out and play then. Face it Cole, YOU are weak. I am strong. Together? Well, you wouldn't be alive if it weren't for me. Aren't you supposed to meet someone?[/i] Cole took another drink. "I don't want to be too early. Similarly, I don't want to be to late. It's.. Either way attracts too much attention. We should show up at the right time. Stay quiet. Learn. Then earn our keep when the time is right." He stood up, bringing the tankard with him. Knocking on the back door, it swung open. The barkeep was wiping off a mug. "Listen, kid. I like ya n' all but the customers don' really take too kindly t' ya." "I know. And we're just meeting someone in there. We won't drive away too many people, I promise." [i]Slaughter him, Cole. Tear his heart out. I can feel his pulse quickening. He's scared of you. Scared of me. Of US.[/i] Cole's head twitched, the barkeep slowly letting him inside, muttering something about these new adventurers. Cole drank the rest of his beer, leaving the tankard on the bar. He noticed the group of people sitting around a table, his new employer one them. Why he had chosen to pick him, he'd never know. Maybe he was just in the right place at the right time. He sidled up to the group. "We're Cole. I'm sorry if we're a bit.. Late." He looked off to the side as he spoke, not meeting anyone's eyes directly. If anyone tried to look him face on, he'd stare just above and to the right of them. [i]Yes, that's it Cole. Be nice to them. Lull them into a sense of false security. Easier to maim when they trust you. Give them a winning smile, why don't you? And stop it with all this "We" garbage. If you want me to talk to them so badly, let me out. It's been days since I've fed.[/i]