[@DigitalDemon][@Lilygold][@fourtimesnine][@Simple Unicycle] Kim looked towards the older female walking towards them, quickly running over to her, and started pulling them by their wrist next to the fish-lady and reptilian monster, so she doesn't get in the way of the remaining sailing bones. She blocks a few that accidentally went off path towards their direction using her ax, keeping the other three from getting hit. [color=0072bc]"Note that we're not all people, [i]Aryla.[/i] At this point you should know already,"[/color] Kim said in a sassy yet quiet tone, making a dramatic hand motion with her free hand like Mettaton. [color=0072bc]"So, what did all of you come this specific direction anyway? Aryla, I'm guessing you want to get used to the area from that introduction, but what about you two?"[/color] she continued to blabber on, turning her head towards Aryla then the two monsters. [@booksmusicanime] Mettaton chuckled, moving one of her hands so Kaia could grab it. [color=ec008c]"Alright darling. Where do you want to go? We could go directly to my other human child and have her help out, or go to whatever destination you may desire first,"[/color] Mettaton told her, lightly holding Kaia's hand, hoping she's not hurting her. The robot hoped the girl chose to go to Kim so she could lead Kaia instead; she'd watch in the distance, and test Kim's responsibility and see how she reacts to a visually impaired.