Oscar feels someone brush past him, a woman looking like a barbarian. he ignores her, the posturing and mightier than thou contest isnt something Oscar is interested in. he is here to simply destroy the demons in the dark, not prove himself. he shakes his head, amused at the brute. [color=lightcoral]'is this what this town does to people?'[/color] he ponders, [color=lightcoral]'or is it the dungeon, bah no reason to dwell on it. im here on a mission.'[/color] Oscar steps through the threshold of the tavern where he is supposed to meet his employer and the rest of the party. several... colorful characters seem to be making themselves known to Abdul, apparently it is his turn. he walks up to the bar and twists the steel helm off his head and sets is carefully on the counter. "Mead" he says to the bar keeper. after a moment he gets a mug of something that could only be loosely be called mead. it tastes foul but there is a hint of alcohol in it, maybe just enough to take the edge off. Oscar picks up the helmet and tucks it up under one arm to make his way over to Abdul. "Abdul Alhazred, the Mad Man. ive heard rumors about you, and the word is you need mercenaries."