[hider=Monika Sakovich][b]Name:[/b] Monika Sakovich [b]Age:[/b] Twelve years old. [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Image][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/YOicMUN.png[/img][/center][/hider] A tiny girl at 130 centimeters. She can be distinguished by her somewhat unenthusiastic eyes above a sweet little smile. She’s lithe, her body thin but capable. Her eyes are as brown as her hair, her short hair slightly rough. She generally likes to wear relatively casual clothes. Her Soul Gem is a red little cross-shaped jewel, placed on that spot on her chest, binding her vest together. [b]Nationality:[/b] Polish, lives in Danzig [b]Personality:[/b] Monika is a somewhat introverted individual who easily gets uncomfortable if things aren’t precisely under her control. She can sometimes have difficulties speaking if she’s unsure what to do, and she can also be thoroughly cowardly and prioritizes her own safety rather than trying to be brave. However, from engaging in fiction she has gained a rather effective moral code and will force out determination to do the right thing in a crisis. While she seeks safety in numbers, this is mainly because she’d feel unsafe by herself. Monika is young, and prone to getting quite attached to individuals, but she never quite puts absolute faith in anyone and only ever truly believes in herself. She won’t put her life in someone else’s hand, and if she feels unsafe she’ll scurry off very quickly. She likes stability, happiness and dependable-looking friends. But it has to be on her terms that she accepts it. It was because there was a sincere lack of stability in her life at the time that she was approached by an Incubator. More on that in biography. Monika likes to smile, so she often does. If she can chose things on her own terms, then she can get braver. But otherwise, she’d dearly like to just sink into the background. In the background she can be safe. That’s why she made the wish that she made, and that’s why her power became what it did. But of course, as any young one she can get excited in the presence of her usual sources of entertainment and would like to share these with anyone in her presence. [b]Afflictions:[/b] [b]Wish:[/b] “… Don’t let them find me!” This wish was granted by Kyubei giving Monika her magical weapon and the power which it provided. For circumstances, read her biography. [b]Biography:[/b] Monika’s a young soul who has grown up with a rather successful family. While her mother (Krystyna Sakovich) is a housewife, her father (Marek Sakovich) works at a high place at Euroforce, a successful company that provides electricity to large parts of Europe. This means she was often singled out when she was young as the most fortunate soul around and the one you wanted to make friends with because her father helped her buy presents during birthdays and you could always expect luxury during sleepovers. Monika got really popular and didn’t really understand why for very long, as she isn’t the most social of humans. The little girl entertained herself with drawing, reading, music, video games, allowing friends into her house or playing with her many toys. In physical practice she had tennis which she practiced often with her father in order to get some form of sport into her veins and dancing which her mother did sometimes for fun and allowed Monika to tag along. Through the training she got through this, Monika often surprised her friends with her physical fitness, since they never really saw her train. Though, Monika made few real attempts to make friends during practice. But she didn’t mind that, she grew up normally and everything was fine for her first eleven years. However, as she grew up, there were several problems. Her friends had started to depend on her to help them out, but as Monika grew older and got more responsibilities she had to deny them. This combined with that Monika often was very blunt about if she didn’t want to go somewhere with her friends made her alienated, and she didn’t understand why. Her short attention-span and the fact that suddenly a lot fewer people helped her out meant that Monika’s grades in school suffered, which caused her rather strict father to suddenly chew her out. Monika was so confused. Currently, Monika is struggling. Her friends have mostly excluded her from their activities and she’s too shy to actually move in and ask for their aid, she’s struggling with studies to keep her grades on level and she’s been hearing arguments between her parents and those around her. Some people have been saying that her father is corrupt in some way, something about him showed up in newspapers, and due to that Monika got even more attention of the wrong kind. But… she doesn’t understand it. She’s being stressed, and she doesn’t even know why. This stress… is what the local Incubator was attracted to. Wouldn’t she want a little wish, maybe? A wish that could eliminate all the problems out of her life. But… wish? Monika heard about fighting witches, and realized this was her chance to become a hero like in the stories. But, if she had to pick a wish, she decided that she needed longer to decide for a suitable wish. However, walking to tennis practice that day, as if life itself had sensed her contact with the world of Magical Girls, Monika wandered into a Labyrinth. The Incubator told her to make a wish, or she’d die. Monika fled, behind walls and crying as the familiars of the Witch were seeking her out. Now, something intelligent at this point would be to make a grand wish, the first thing you can think of which would aid humanity. Or, if you’re going to make a wish which is only to aid you in the immediate moment, at least make a wish which makes you strong enough to defeat the Witch. However, the one desire which flooded through the cowardly Monika, as she stared full of fear at the little white creature before her… “… Don’t let them find me!” [b]Skills:[/b] She’s fairly athletic, but she was going to become that anyway. This due to being trained as a dancer and for tennis, as well. Other than that, her skills are few. Nobody expects much from a twelve year old. She’s somewhat eccentric at drawing or repeating a random fact from a fictional world she knows of. [b]Threads of Fate:[/b] 4. She’s at a rather common magical strength for a Magical Girl, though she can seem weaker because a large part of that is given to her magical ability. [b]Magical Weapon:[/b] A blue piece of cloth which at first glance appears to be the only thing she carries. It has a surprising amount of striking power, used in the same way you’d strike someone with the snap of a towel. In addition, Monika is gifted with considerable athletic prowess and can fight with the dance-moves she has learned from dancing with her mother, with kicks or with the cloth. However, the cloth is also hiding a potentially infinite amount of knives which would be her main method of attack, as a Magical Girl she has considerable skill at throwing or launching these with her cloth. Though, she doesn’t have the knives quite yet. [b]Experience:[/b] 1. She’s a complete newbie. [b]Magical Ability:[/b] The capability to “hide”. By sweeping the blue cloth which is her power over something, it can make it seemingly vanish, be it a person or an object. If she does it to herself, she becomes invisible from sight. While invisible she loses no capability of using her other powers, but it does constantly drain on her available magical power. Also, any noise she makes, smell she gives off, or item that somehow coincidentally headed her way will still reveal her location. She’ll likely use this to confuse enemies as to her location, but in exchange she’s weaker than the typical Magical Girl as her most dangerous weapon is a thrown knife. The following is a thing that she can do but does not yet know that she can. Monika can make non-living things with a size no larger than her cloth become “hidden”, which makes them vanish from the world temporarily and accompany her. They then vanish and float along with her until she waves her cloth and the object becomes revealed. This can make it seem like she’s bringing impossible things to the battlefield, but she prefers knives. This is because Monika knows how to obtain knives. It’s the only weapons he knows she can obtain, by stealing them while “hiding”. To get anything stronger, she’d require a sponsor. [b]Signature and Finisher:[/b] None, yet. Probably will never have one. ██████: 12%. Account that this is how much it took to survive her first moment as a Magical Girl. It was quite a frightening experience, after all.[/hider]