[center][h3][color=0072bc]Matthew Barrett[/color][/h3] [img]http://orig08.deviantart.net/557b/f/2016/034/5/2/matt_chara_pic_by_adparis-d9qdrqw.png[/img] [/center] [color=0072bc][b]NICKNAME(S)[/b][/color] [i]this list will be added on to as he gets them :P[/i] > Matt > Barrett [color=0072bc][b]AGE[/b][/color] 22 [color=0072bc][b]BIO[/b][/color] He was having a two man party at a bar with a friend (James) when the outbreak started. When the warnings and evacuation notices started to pop up on their phones, he was the one that was more relaxed, thinking it wasn't anything to worry about, really - he'd just have to be careful getting home is all. Only when some "crazies" ran in and started [i]biting people[/i] did he and James run out of the bar - thank God they weren't drunk, right? When it came time to evacuate to one of the safe-zones that were put up, James went to the safe zone alone - Matthew thought he could run home to his apartment, get some things from there, then come back. He did the first two things successfully with very little trouble, but when he located the safe zone, it was too late. The safe zone wasn't safe anymore. In his emotional state, he fled BACK to his apartment and did every possible thing he could to make it a fortress.. that didn't last very long. One got in, and he was forced to kill them. After he rightfully [i]freaked the fuck out[/i] about killing someone, he decided he shouldn't be so deep in the city. He got his keys and fled to the outskirts in his car.. but that plan had backfired just like his last. He didn't have very much gas, y'see, so he's on his way to a small town outside of the city. On foot. [color=0072bc][b]WEAPONS/EQUIPMENT/ACCESSORIES[/b][/color] [b][url=http://cdn.bearingarms.com/uploads/2013/12/Walther-P22.jpg]Walther P-22[/url][/b]: Birthday gift from James - he's had to do some trial and error figuring out how to use it correctly. This is his main weapon. He's still got 21 bullets - the only shots he's fired were to the zombie that got past his "impenetrable" defenses at his apartment. [b][url=http://www.popwuping.com/stuff/picts/chilewich.jpg]Messanger Bag[/url][/b]: Got it himself for college so he wouldn't be walking around campus looking like a high-schooler. Has more wear-and-tear than shown in the picture. Would probably be a good impromptu "blindfold" thing. The bag has another set of clothes, his cellphone (and charger), a reusable bottle, a small pad of paper (along with pencils - good for both stabbing someone in the eye, and doodling), and a book to read when he's forced to stay in one place.. or bash on someone's head. Whichever comes first, really. [url=http://g02.a.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1WLfRIXXXXXbPXpXXq6xXFXXXy/New-TOP-brand-Retro-font-b-Gold-b-font-Silver-font-b-Digital-b-font-font.jpg][b]Silver Digital Wristwatch[/b][/url]: Another gift from James. It doubles as both a useful time keeping device as well as being a sentimental item. [color=0072bc][b]EXTRA INFO[/b][/color] He's still not used to the fact that, if he wants to keep surviving, he has to kill people. He'd prefer to avoid a fight if he can. [color=0072bc][b]TEXT COLOR[/b][/color] 0072bc