[i]Kingdom of Aznavor [/i] The King’s weekly address to the people of Oceansrock [i] Wise People of Aznavor! A you have undoubtedly heard; our brothers beyond the eastern mountains are being oppressed by a government that claims to represent them yet exploits them with vicious savagery at every opportunity. In our lands the days of whip and the torturer have long gone yet the Government of the Republic of Dont do not share out mercy. My courtiers tell me that they have seen the scar of the whip across the back of those who have fled. Is this what it means to be part of a Republic? Over the course of the last few months you may have noticed an increasing numbers of people in our lands fleeing this oppression. For this I take responsibility. I could not stand back and turn away our blood brothers in their time of need. In recent weeks numbers of refugees fleeing to our lands have only risen and I dare not imagine what fresh terror the government has come up with. Because of this some of my well-meaning but impetuous advisors have begged me to intervene on behalf of our brothers. Indeed I have spoken to some refugees who ask the same who have implored me to restore their freedoms and their safety but so far I have held back from doing so. Why you may ask? Why would I deny our brethren the rights and safety which we all enjoy?[/i] [Pause] [i]Because, my loyal subjects, because I am an ever hopeful man, I am a king who infinitely prefers peace to war. Because I will not endanger our soldiers as long as I believe this matter can be resolved peacefully. However, I make this pledge: Should the forces of Dont or any foreign army, by invitation of Dont,march on their soil and harm even a single Aznavori from Dont, Aznavor shall respond. Should this come to pass we are not alone, the population of Dont hates the corrupt regime that controls them. The fools in Nacer protect themselves with an army of people that hate them. Furthermore as of today I have received the explicit promise of support from an ally who like us sees the righteousness of our cause and understands the oppression of the Republic. As your King and as the protector of all Aznavori I guarantee this but remind you that I prefer peace to war! This is why I have invited the Republic of Dont to send a delegation from its ruling party to come see us. So that we may discuss this situation as equals to prevent a conflict before it even happens. Let ink flow rather than blood! Praise be to Altaiya, Long Live Aznavor! [/i] [Cheers etc…] Later In the council chambers: “My liege! congratulations on your speech, you have clearly articulated our justifications and reasons for war. the people will stand behind you!” King Phillip let the man finish, he had never seen him before but from his dark blue tassled uniform he could guess that he a nobleman’s son and was probably highly positioned in his own government. Perhaps too highly for he seemed to have little grasp of the intricacies of politics. “Young man, I appreciate your sincerity but I fear you have misinterpreted me wholly, I meant what I said, everything is true. We are ready for war but I truly hope it does not come to that. Young men often talk of battle and glory but until you have actively participated in one you cannot imagine how terrible war truly is, disease rips through armies killing nigh as many men as the enemy. After battle men die of bloodloss and infections as they shit themselves and soil the bright uniform they took pride in, a few days before. War is not a sport my boy and there is little glory in being torn to shreds by cannon fire. Now if you’ll come with me we have other things to discuss at the council. ----- Thomas Steward began the talks with a discussion of the preparations needed to send further ships to Aventia, the first ships sent were expected to be nearing the coast of the new continent now and would be requiring more vessels to be sent soon bearing more supplies, goods and tools. This all looked to be an expensive but necessary endeavor yet he offered a glimmer of hope. The rise to prominence of a new expansionist Royal family in the southern Kingdom of Terheridon provided Aznavor with an opportunity to raise fresh capital and sustain and expand the colonial expedition. The Kingdom was known for beign fabulously wealthy yet backwards militarily and have offered to pay good money in exchange for modern weaponry. Large stocks of such weapsn existed from thedecades of peace that had been going on so no one saw any inconvenience with the deal. Aznavor would accept Terheridon’s deal with open arms and simultaneously mobilize the fleet with for travel. In addition it was agreed that it was In the interest of all to secure treaties of Friendship and trade deal with other nations so ambassadors were readied and sent to the Kamalao Republi and the The City-State of Bennipolis in addition to the one already sent to meet with the members of the Alliance to the south. TLDR: King Phillip denounces the suffering of the Eastern Aznavori and proclaims himself their protector pledging Aznavor to their defence should foreign or Dont(ian?)forces harm any of them. He appeals for a peaceful resolution to the issue and invites a Dontian delegation to meet him in his capital. Ambasadors are sent to the Kamalao Republi and to the City-State of Bennipolis The fleet is readied and preparations are made to send further convoys to the new world. There is news that Aznavori ships are nearing Aventia’s shores King Philip accepts Terheridon’s deal of modern weapons for gold.