[hider=Stephanie Hayvok ''The Mad Villain''][b]Civilian name[/b] [indent][i]Stephanie Hayvok[/i][/indent] [b]Alias[/b] [indent][i]The Terror Queen, The Queen of Devastation[/i] (She forgets what names she uses - Mostly everyone calls her [i]Mad Villain.[/i])[/indent] [b]Gender[/b] [indent]Female[/indent] [b]Age[/b] [indent]16[/indent] [b]Hero or villain[/b] [indent]Villain to her fucking bone.[/indent] [b]Civilian looks[/b] [indent]Okay, when you take your first look at Stephanie, you'd assume that she's this weak, unassuming, teenager. She's short, she's quite nerdy looking with those eyes of hers behind a pair of glasses. Which is what brings her piss to a boil. Since she wants to be intimidating... while looking nothing like it. Now, Stephanie is a short (At five-one), and very skinny. Like, she doesn't have fat, but she doesn't have muscles either. If she gets caught naked, then that person's gonna see skin and bones. She's been trying (and failing) to gain some muscle tone by hitting the gyms, but she's not making any real progress. At least she has the grace of not being overweight due to that aforementioned training (and actually eating right). In terms of feminine graces, she doesn't have too much to look at either. She has a flat chest, and a flat behind. One of Stephanie's feminine saving graces is the fact that she wears her brown hair out long. Speaking of which, her hair is a very wavy, texture, and she doesn't particularly style it. She keeps it. Stephanie's Caucasian (Genetically, she has bits of Russian, Polish, German, and French, in her blood), and she doesn't have that many graces either. Her skin is slightly pale due to the fact she doesn't get a whole lot of sunlight. Her body is absolutely coated in freckles. Mostly her face (nose/cheek regions), but she has freckles on her upper body, and plenty running down her back. Stephanie has plenty of scars - mostly from her little trinkets backfiring on her. None on her face... but her hands and arms are absolutely [i]covered[/i] in former injuries. Stephanie's facial features are very angular, starting with her diamond shaped head. She has a strong jawline, and an oddly large, square, chin. Her eyes are large and crescent moon shaped, and hidden behind her hair. Her nose is small, but button-shaped - there's a little scar on her right nostril going up it. Stephanie's lips are small, and aren't particularly pronounced. A little dry at times. Finally, Stephanie's eyes are almond shaped, and have a blue color.[/indent] [b]Costume[/b] [indent]The costume that Stephanie would love is this big badass looking gold armor, with a cape, and a metal mask that doesn't even show her face. One that'd make her look like an evil overlord. [i]Unfortunately,[/i] she hasn't been able to make her badass costume due to a lack of resources, and because those assholes at Blackwood wouldn't let her make it. Stephanie has no choice but to compensate by simply ordering a white cape, and throwing that over her existing outfit.[/indent] [b]Powers[/b] [indent]Stephanie has a form of Technopathy that specializes in AI, Drones, Weaponry, and Robotics, and a major boost to her intelligence. To elaborate, Stephanie has the power to create specific and unique pieces of technology to suit her purposes. She can create complex machinery that are centuries ahead of current times. Mostly in the way of creating a fleet drones that are armed to the teeth, and controlling them with her mind. To elaborate, Stephanie creates drones that look much like RC vehicles (Specifically helicopters, and regular old RC cars), but they have weaponry such as stun guns, rudimentary fire arms, robotic limbs, and binders and containment. They can also be outfitted with thrusters, cameras, and etc. I should probably mention that Stephanie's drones are capable of producing shields, and transforming/combining to form a different drone. And Stephanie has a [i]lot[/i] of them. Because of the way her power works, they are cheap and easy to replace. This is what she uses in a fight, instead of fighting directly, she can just order her army around. However, she has found a way to attach the drones to herself to act as a direct weapon. Such as putting drones on her back to form a jet-pack, or attaching them to her arm to form a cannon. She can do quite a lot with this power, and has a lot of potential. Now, I should explain how her power works in the background. It's not all her building stuff (Some of this is impossible even with available materials). Stephanie has the unconscious ability to alter matter itself. Now, before you start bitching, it's not used the way you'd think. She mostly uses this ability to build objects, and machinery, or, get the parts to build them. Such as making guns. Give her some metal, and an RC car, and she'd be able to turn that into a death machine in a few seconds! That's the only usage of this ability, to help her build. Stephanie does have the usual form of technopathy that operates by usage of electromagnetism, and whatnot. Stephanie can control electronics that are within fifteen feet of herself - however, if it's one of the drones that she built, she can control it from a lot further away.[/indent] [b]Skills[/b] [indent]... Other than her power, she doesn't have anything to bring to the table. lol[/indent] [b]Personality[/b] [indent]Someone may say that Stephanie is absolutely bonkers. She certainly takes her super villain persona very seriously. Not in the way you'd expect... Stephanie acts like a cartoon villain at times. Going off on hammy rants, perfecting evil laughter, and coming up with the zaniest schemes ever. Most of her villainy is harmless (But would leave behind one hell of a mess, and nobody wants to do with that). However, she leaves it ambiguous whether or not this is just her blowing off steam, deceiving opponents, or if she's being serious. She seems to be quite intelligent, in fact. She's a very cunning and savvy opponent - despite the fact that she acts quite hammy. She puts out a goal, and follows it with efficiency and skill unlike no other. However, she isn't unnecessarily cruel, or villainous, despite her persona. She won't commit any acts of evils just because. One thing's for certain, she does have a bit of insecurity, and a lust for power. For most of her life, she's been on the receiving end of things. Now that she has power, she wants to turn the tables... to mixed results.[/indent] [b]Bio[/b] [indent]Born in River City, Stephanie had a rather unassuming life with two parents, and a little brother. Growing up through school, Stephanie was bullied by pretty much everyone for being so into comicbooks, and entertainment. They laughed her all the way through school! However, that changed once her little gift developed, and she became a [b][i]genius![/i][/b] She could build whatever she wants - including a fleet of death machines to release on the world. She thought that she could use her power to help the world. Then she tossed that out the window when she thought of [b][i]REVENGE[/i][/b], and sent her drones to harass her bullies at their parties, and tear them a new one with her drones. Like the proper villain, she let them know she was behind it. Unfortunately, they went for help, and a superhero came in and kicked her royal ass up and down the street. She ended up in a jail for super villains, for the amount of ten minutes before a prison break occurred, where bigger and cooler villains got away. She managed to get someone to help her get away - but realizing she was a rookie, she was sent to Blackwood where she were to be a proper villain. From there, Stephanie launched many attacks on River City, such as painting houses ugly colors, and defacing statues. Then came the super school conflict. Stephanie made a name for herself on both sides - on the heroes because her drones are a pain in the ass to death, and on her fellow villains for being so utterly batshit. And she loved it.[/indent][/hider]