[center][color=cyan][h1]Story[/h1][b]Long ago. After the Templar De Villiers escaped with most of the treasures, leaving in secret what his comrades were burned alive for. Within the darkest corner of our world a means to enter from another arose. This led to many of what we call legends and tales. In our modern day it is kept under control by a secret agency that keeps tabs on the public. The agency is quite old and though its formation was founded in 18th century it's roots date back to the 15th. They have been doing experiments on their soldiers with a nearly 100% success rate to amplify one's latent abilities. The ones born with these abilities are called either indigos or starseeds. Indigos are born with abilities of psychic and kinetic control. Starseeds are born with some of the memories of their past selves, here on earth or elsewhere, allowing them to cast what would be seen as spells, enchantments, summons, etc.. The Copper Scroll leads to many treasures in its inscription. One of those treasures is the portal that leads to another world. The agency tasked a few of it's members to find this treasure. However when they find it they're forced into it and wind up in a world known as Protogonos. A world of Dragons. [/b][/color][/center] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[hider=Protogonos] [color=tan][center][URL=http://s32.photobucket.com/user/Psycho_Blaze/media/TheSwordfishPlanet2byShue13ondeviantART.png.html][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Psycho_Blaze/TheSwordfishPlanet2byShue13ondeviantART.png[/IMG][/URL] [i]It is believed by many that the planet itself is an egg.[/i][/center] The majority of the planet (Protogonos) is covered in massive mountains. Forged through centuries of sky fire hailing its surface. However within a large portion of water, surrounded but untouched by the stalagmites, sat a beautiful Eden. However it was home to savage monsters and primarily Dragons. But there were beings close to human, but one look at you could tell they weren't. They either resemble demons, or angels, and most resemble demons. Then there are some who are bipedal reptilians ranging from small and cute, to huge and scary. Though they might not entirely agree, and have prejudices against each other they all claim to be known as "Descendants". When they die some turn into what they call "Ascendants." Their history is deep and vague. Not entirely known to even themselves. But they believe their souls are undying, either retaining form as a ever living being, or returning to the planet itself to nourish it. Some even talk of becoming everlasting weapons, or objects. But the most important part is that they can harness their soul's essence to do various manipulations and manifestations. Their belief may vary on who God is, some believe a being came to their world who was so powerful he created a wife from a dragon's heart and they are their children. The more reptilian ones believe he didn't create a wife, he simply altered himself into a dragon to be with a dragon whom he loved. Resulting in their more dragon like forms, and the other demonic or angelic looking beings are a off branch in the gene. There's slavery still in affect and many old world things still being done. The angelic people are the primary targets for kidnapping and selling. The demonic people are larger in number and the angelic traits are rare. The safest places are areas that have been mapped in most maps on the land. Everything else is home to anyone but mostly bandit gangs and nomadic villages. The real danger are the dragons, marked with skulls on maps. There have been a few places that are quite good at defending themselves from Dragons and other creatures. However one place was kept a forbidden place to enter. Once inhabited by mages it is now a ruined temple and deep within it lies the doorway to Earth. This doorway is where the humans will enter the world, with it closing behind them with no feasible way to return.[/color] [hider=How things begin][center][h1]Chapter 1 - Return [/h1] Things happened so fast. At first the slow voyage of the underworlds led to no fruit and the mission was growing dull. Then a discovery in the catacombs deep beneath Ireland. The agency did not have a specific name and did so to stay covert. So much so that their very own members are usually unaware of the details of their missions or who they exactly work for. So when they entered the abyss to see what was there what they found had a presence akin to that of fables of hell. The flaming wall was the supposed doorway to all the legends and tales of beasts and demons. Closing the gate would fulfill their duty at ridding the world of other worldly creatures. However as they began to research the gate to find a way to safely close it something within echoed out a force that quaked the ground. Then, like a vortex, it sucked inward with enough force to swallow the agents inside. The ride was not an easy one. Entering what was dream and reality they had a glimpse of pasts, futures and other galaxies like a rotating wall. Upon entering the other side they find themselves flung across a large old withered temple. This temple is made of stone and sits within a jungle within the land of Vrondi. After coming down from the relief of not being within a eternal flaming pit the agents begin to assess the situation. The conclude that they are stuck as the portal behind them, the flaming wall, has turned miniscule in size. Then it vanished altogether. While this was distressing there were words on the walls of the temple in old English along with an alien language. It had clues to how the portal operated.. if only they could take their time, camp out, and figure this out. Some of their supplies were thrown through the portal but.. it simply was not enough. They needed to leave the temple and see where they were. With faith the left the safety of the temple to the jungle outside. Soon they found themselves in a world different from their own. The jungle was beautiful yes but it was the vegetation itself that almost glowed with pure energy. The life within each thing was felt. The vegetation was widely similar but some aesthetics differed. Same with the small animal life, insects and birds. But one disturbing sign were the flying lizards the size of condors. This marked the first sign of Dragon life they laid witness to before coming into contact with the guardian of the temple. [i]Tav' lak eok nok?[/I] The voice boomed through the sky as if god himself spoke to the group. Once they thought it was over the voice returned. This time they could comprehend it. [I]Who goes there?[/I] A gust of air bellowed down on them as the voiced boomed once more. This time giving birth to a silhouette within the sunlight. It landed on top of the temple and looked down at the group. Staff in hand, giving a aura of light close to that of the sun's. [URL=http://s32.photobucket.com/user/Psycho_Blaze/media/Untitled3.jpg.html][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Psycho_Blaze/Untitled3.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [I]"My name is Tev'lanook. What are your intentions this time.. humans."[/I][/center] The inhabitants of the civilized societies in what we know as the Edafos, the land, felt a sudden shift in their atmosphere. When the door to the other world was closed it had sealed off the forces that gave humans and other creatures their abilities. Those tapped into the astral realm felt it in a peculiar way, like a shift in the wind. The monks and spiritualists of the world felt this was a bad omen. Each order began to attempt to find this source, each with varying inquiries. Soldiers of various lands were on the search, with help from equally various monks and mages. As this began happening the bar and inn at the town Sunfire, resting in the land Vrondi, began to get packed. Soldiers from Fotia came barging in. Their heavy red and black armor menacing to the sight. Holding a mechanism in both hands that resembled rifles. But with a sinister red pulse from it's inner workings. Their helmets masked their faces with a dragon like resemblance. There were four of them total. Each with no motive but to examine the populace. Even still their presence was not an average occurrence. The Descendants of this story are within this inn and will find this peculiar if perceptive enough. [/hider] [u][center][h1]The Edafos[/h1] [i]The Eden man saw when they first laid sight on it. [/i][/center][/u] [hider=Map of the Edafos][URL=http://s32.photobucket.com/user/Psycho_Blaze/media/2.jpg.html][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Psycho_Blaze/2.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [color=orchid][i]Territory Nero[/I] Thick dangerous forest in many parts. Caves a plenty. Dragons to be feared feed within these lands. Dragons known as Basilisks. A single gaze can turn one to stone making this land largely uninhabitable. Three caves mark entrances to the underground tunnels that lead to Nero, also providing homes to Nero's lower class. A town called Twilight is the safest way to the forests that lead to these caves. [/color] [color=yellow][i]Territory Vrondi[/I] Very lush jungle with vegetation and fruit a plenty. The largest of Herbivore feral Dragons roam here known as Footyoo and are mostly harmless. The town Twilight sits on the border of Vrondi and Nero. The other town of Vrondi is called Sunfire.[/color] [color=red][i]Territory Fotia[/I] An encircling of mildly active volcanoes block Fotia's capital from easy access. Mechanized lifts allow transport in and out. Aside from the capital lies two towns. Flare and Blaze. On a island there is an active volcano close by named after the founder of Fotia, Lord Akuro.[/color] [color=green][i]Territory Gaia[/I] This kingdom is forged from a mountain's peak. Their capital is surrounded by large mountains with forest surrounding them. Dragon riders are used to transport people in and out of the capital. They have a area Northeast where many Wyverns lay their eggs and raise their young and are extremely protective. They have two towns, Pearl and Onyx.[/color] [color=blue][i]Territory Tearianaris[/i] The town Tidal sits in this territory. The capital is blocked off by two large mountains and is only accessible through a drenched murky cave. There are small islands that are used as bases for sea exploration. Further south are the lands where feral Dragons that use sea, land, and air reside known as Wyrms and are considered very dangerous.[/color] [/hider] [b]..::Towns::..[/b] [hider=Twilight] [center][URL=http://s32.photobucket.com/user/Psycho_Blaze/media/forest_town_by_xenomorph_designs-d3a0frbjpg1000times516.png.html][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Psycho_Blaze/forest_town_by_xenomorph_designs-d3a0frbjpg1000times516.png[/IMG][/URL] [i][color=orchid]A town best illuminated from dusk till dawn. Several homes rest here. The t[/color][color=fff200]own is quiet and most business is done indoors. A weapon shop that specializes in silent projectiles and tools for hunting. A bar & inn named 'D[/color][color=orchid]usk till Dawn'. A store specializing in herbal remedies and a d[/color][color=orchid]octor working within. Nightrider stables for swift [/color][color=orchid]transport throughout Nero. Dolofon second headquarters sits here in [/color][color=fff200]eerie silence. Tour guides for Nero's jungles await here for hefty[/color] [color=orchid]pay to help people survive the trip into Nero's capital and back.[/color] [/i] [/center][/hider] [hider=Sunfire] [center][URL=http://s32.photobucket.com/user/Psycho_Blaze/media/fantasyTreehousetown-GoogleSearch.png.html][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Psycho_Blaze/fantasyTreehousetown-GoogleSearch.png[/IMG][/URL] [color=fff200][i]A mother tree giving birth to a bustling town of carefree neighbors. Solar powered technology. A flame burns at its highest center, never ending, engrasped by tree limbs. Several homes sit on and within. A bar & inn named 'Rest Easy'. A store with remedies and food all of the plant variety. The headquarters of the Aion lay within the center with open arms, acting as the healing center.[/i] [/color][/center][/hider] [hider=Blaze][center][URL=http://s32.photobucket.com/user/Psycho_Blaze/media/FuturisticcityinthevolcanovalleyWallpaper2066.png.html][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Psycho_Blaze/FuturisticcityinthevolcanovalleyWallpaper2066.png[/IMG][/URL] [i][color=ed1c24]Warm town high grade industrial technology. Gentle waters streaming down its center and used for alternate power. A working class town with busy machines mining and serving an array of functions. A warm mist surrounds this town. A bar & inn called 'Foggy Bottom'. Not hospitable homes as work is the priority. The head of material production for Advanced Apparatuses and their production is centered here.[/color][/i][/center][/hider] [hider=Flare][center][URL=http://s32.photobucket.com/user/Psycho_Blaze/media/fantasyvolcanovillage-GoogleSearch.png.html][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Psycho_Blaze/fantasyvolcanovillage-GoogleSearch.png[/IMG][/URL][color=ed1c24] [i]Another warm town with a single crevice. Many homes and just about every shop and convenient building is located here. A bar & inn named 'Fire Den' is located here. Homes and simple convenient stores sit on the top. Within the crevice walls are more advanced shops and buildings. Deep below all lies the Therosi Headquarters. Unreachable to the common folk and shrouded in secrecy.[/i][/color][/center][/hider] [hider=Pearl][center][URL=http://s32.photobucket.com/user/Psycho_Blaze/media/fantasymountainvillage-GoogleSearch.png.html][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Psycho_Blaze/fantasymountainvillage-GoogleSearch.png[/IMG][/URL] [color=39b54a][i]Mostly white clean fresh and aired place. A farming town growing fruits and vegetation. Their meats are met through hunting as the people of Gaia do not believe in capturing and imprisoning Dragons. The head quarters of the Merchants guild is here. The town is bustling with merchants and farmers work closely with them. A bar & inn named 'Savvan's Inn'.[/i][/color][/center][/hider] [hider=Onyx][center][URL=http://s32.photobucket.com/user/Psycho_Blaze/media/585595jpg596times380.png.html][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Psycho_Blaze/585595jpg596times380.png[/IMG][/URL] [color=39b54a][i]Another bustling town identical to Pearl but with darker stone buildings and homes. Another Headquarters for the merchants guild where hunting is the focal point.[/i][/color][/center][/hider] [hider=Tidal][center][URL=http://s32.photobucket.com/user/Psycho_Blaze/media/Artfantasylandscapehillsfortmountainswaterfallsbuildingscastlewallpaper1920x108048940WallpaperUP.png.html][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Psycho_Blaze/Artfantasylandscapehillsfortmountainswaterfallsbuildingscastlewallpaper1920x108048940WallpaperUP.png[/IMG][/URL] [color=00aeef][i]A simple small town with buildings in high places. The guild of the Magoi resides here. Not many homes. The Lassa use the river to go to their capital and back.[/i][/color][/center][/hider] --------------------- [hider=The Kingdoms] [URL=http://s32.photobucket.com/user/Psycho_Blaze/media/TheSummoningbydepingoondeviantART.png.html][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Psycho_Blaze/TheSummoningbydepingoondeviantART.png[/IMG][/URL] [color=ed1c24][u][b][center]Tyro[/center][/b] [/u] Fotia is a volcanic nation, named by other Descendants as the "Fires womb". Surrounded almost protectively by inactive volcanoes. It rests as one of the largest kingdoms the size of a large city. The ground grows hot often due to lava streams passing underneath channeling to larger volcanoes out the outer sides of the inactive ones. These active volcanoes are responsible for raining ash on the kingdom and black clouds that block out the sun. A geographical wonder of this place is the many rain storms it has. Despite being surrounded by fire and rock this land finds itself decent amounts of rainwater and even more geysers. Their kingdom is a cross of the future with the past. Not much clothes are worn by these people, as they are always in heat. They do love their gold, and armor plating even for show. The Tyro of Fotia were the first to begin the Dragon war. Having been trampled on for centuries by the Dragons and receiving limited resources and burned homes, the Tyro, had enough. They worked on a style of combat that specifically targeted Dragons. Dubbing themselves the titles of dragon slayers. They were the front line against the King of Dragons and his brethren during the final battle. The natives to this land are resistant to heat, love to relax in, eat and drink hot things, fight and wage wars. They generate energy for their homes and other belongings with lava which in turn creates heat that is used in different ways to power their mechanisms. They produce the most technology of all the kingdoms and are the most advanced due to this but mostly in weapons technology. Being the producers of guns and gunpowder, energy manipulation to form plasma guns etc. Their energy supply is on par with Tearianaris and their hydro fueled machines. Their leader King Magnix Hanoxx. He was born from a long line of dragon slayers known as the Hanoxx family. They stepped into kingdom when their ancestor fought off the Dragons during the great war using volcanoes as their cover, soon relocating between all volcanoes to use them as resources and protection. Magnixx became king when his father died. He was not the only son in line but he was the most superior. Legendary feats were made of his power and speed such as slaying a tyrant dragon's head clean off with one swing of his sword, or the ability to summon fire hot enough to crumble mountains. But there is a reason why he is given so much praise. He is a role model and still young despite being wise and war minded. [/color] [color=662d91][u][b][center]Nayu [/center][/b][/u] Nero is a kingdom under ground, however their land stretches to the outside world but is considered mostly a no mans land, due to the Dragons that reside there. Dragons that resemble serpents and have deadly poisonous bites. This considered their kingdom is small but their territory is the largest. Their kingdom is within a massive cave whose top cracked and collapsed before the kingdom was established. This allows entry from above and light to enter into their kingdom, but not much. The people of Nero are known for their expert remedies made entirely from things found there, as well as poisons. Since the natives are born within darkness often times they are blind but have enhanced sense such as seeing sounds and feeling light. They also have a natural dark skin tone some experiencing a entirely coal like color on their skin/scales. Kingdom is gothic with rising layers and columns. These people often a between of skin tight clothing and simple cloaked clothing that swallows their bodies. The "Pitch Darkness" is the term used by other Descendants to describe Nero. Glowing lava is their major form of light. The leader of Nero is the King Sleeth Riro, known for being able to see but having the senses and intellect given to the blind. Considered to be one of the most powerful leaders of all because he has an army of complete stealth battalion of an unknown size. However he is adamant of protecting his people from harm. He chooses to remain neutral in most political standings. [/color] [color=39b54a][center][b][u]Oro[/u][/b][/center] Gaia is known as the "Giants Perch" by non-natives. This is due to the kingdom sitting on the top of what is known as one of the largest mountains of all. Being a small kingdom, a size of a small city it holds not much territory and experiences few travelers. The altitude of this place makes the natives lungs strong allowing them great strength when using their natural large muscular build. Below the mountain however rests a wasteland of a city, overtaken by jungle and dragon nests. There once were two kingdoms, one below and one above the mountain. After much warring the two combined nations in between the Dragon war. The Descendants on Gaia are stronger than most others and allot more durable. Most importantly they birth the most Descendants with wings. Allowing them to travel on and off the mountain at will. The people of Gaia are simple and are not as savvy to technology as the others. As they wish to commune with the Dragons around them often using them as guides to live off the land. Kingdom is nordic with large stone slabs for doors and statues on flat lush green ground. These people often wear soft shirt and pants combinations with colorful stones as their decor. Gaia's leader is Queen Allo Niscent. She is known for being the most beautiful and elegant creature a Descendant can be graced by. She is against fighting, wars and the like. Yet she has a strong head for it and knows despite having a small army she has the most protected kingdom of all. This is due to her charm of Dragons, believed to be able to charm one to her will in an instant. What she lacks in her armies size, she makes up for it in the Dragons she has which will lay down their lives for her. Her scales are believed to be like diamonds, strong yet beautiful, adding to her majestic beauty and her battle capabilities. [/color] [color=fff200] [u][b][center]Sol[/center][/b][/u] Vrondi is known as the "Heart Land" of Descendants kind. Here the kingdom is small, but lies within a beautiful and hospitable forest in the middle of the landscape of all kingdoms. The city itself is covered in a massive dome made of vines and various wild plants that surrounds a large portion of lush jungle. These plants release spores that can make those inhale it clear in mind and happy. They do not wear much clothing at all some preferring to go nude. Tattoos, plants, and other more natural items such as bones cover these individuals. The more modern clothed are normally in white tunics and fur. Vrondi's dome and general ways are due to the people being dedicated entirely to knowledge and mastery of natural energies and the mind. Vrondi natives are light, if not white in hue some of the time, some even glowing in the suns rays. This is due to their natural affinity for plantation and energy generation. Their bodies are much like solar batteries, able to harness solar energy, thoughts, and life force without harm and can release it at will. They study Ascension and many of their founders are Ascended beings. It’s a advanced acute city with many towers contrasted by the large forests and waterfalls on the outskirts. Here many Ascended & Descended alike are drawn to and remain in this city to gain knowledge and start their paths. With the broad spectrum of infinity in their scopes the scholars of Vrondi are consistently wise. The leader of this kingdom is King Vrondi, the founder and a Ascended. His body is like controlled flames, light and energy pulsing in the form of a Seraphim with no wings and light details telling of his Descendant roots such as his horns, but lacks a tail. He is the head of their channeling schools and is the over seer of their ancient text books and teachings. He remains neutral due to him holding enough power to tip the scale in either sides favor and having his own peaceful goals set for the future of his people and all on Protogonos. Since he has an army of Vrondi sorcerers and Ascended beings he is not very far from the God like status. [/color][color=00aeef] [center][b][u]Lassa[/u][/b][/center] Tearianaris called The "Tidals Wake" due to its location. It eerily sits on a large body of land underneath a giant waterfall. The natives here are able to breath under water. They are also masters of technology, transportation, and equipment below the surface. The sea Dragons are almost entirely under their influence and are used in their everyday walks of life. They use water to generate electricity and can bend water to their will making the controls effortless. Their lives in the water makes them lean and strong, however not very agile and capable on land and often make use of their technology to make life on land easier. They usually wear skin tight material meant for underwater travel and not much else. The less water friendly wear water resistant clothing and decorate themselves with jewels. Their leader Queen Tydra Nept is mostly a mystery due to her concealed nature. She often sits out of the political life and is more of a ghost than a praised and pampered Queen like the ones before her. For the trial of the queen took its toll on her. Each chosen female participant is at the tender ages of 13 to adult 25 and is brought to the seven sea dragons to sing their songs and try to subdue the beast with only song. It was her and her sister that rose to the seventh dragon where all others failed. Together they sang a melody that soothed the beast to let them pass the end of the trial. However only one could be named queen. So before her younger sister reached the end she bid her sister farewell. For the beast will only devour the one who was not wearing the crown at the end of the trial, claiming Tydra’s voice was always stronger than hers. She watched her younger sister be devoured before her. She often spends her time deep within the waters of Protogonos's oceans. Reaching depths as deep as her masked sorrow. She often makes first hand discoveries of things no other Descendant has seen or heard of. Upon her returns she is welcomed back with praise as she often does return with soul gems and treasures a plenty. However she has many members of her army accompany her and often times many do not return, making her leadership questionable and her obsession with the ocean's depths spells a omen. Despite this her people are happy to have her as a Queen, for she brings them riches and discoveries that enrich their culture more than any other Kingdom. [/color] Tyro - Mostly Red, orange or brown hues in their coloration. Strength and weapons. Mechanically advanced. Houses are Logic and Power. Nayu - Mostly black, gray, purple or silver in coloration. Stealth and poisons. Medically advanced. Houses are Honor and Reason. Oro - Mostly green, pink, or yellow in coloration. Defense and Instinct. Tamers of various beasts. Houses are Nature and Protection. Sol - Mostly white, gold or bronze in coloration. Knowledge and Magic. Masters of weaving spells. Houses are Wisdom and Eternity. Lassa - Mostly blue, teal, or aquamarine in coloration. Wealth and Aquatic Advancement. Houses are Water and Treasure. Kingdom [/hider][/hider] [hider=Character creation info] [center][u][h1]Blood limits[/h1][/u] [i]The blood% determines your affinity to certain abilities based on bloodline also your appearance. Your character will be considered a certain way based on looks rather than blood. However blood typically depicts the characters looks.[/i][/center] [b]Blood%[/b] [hider=Tyro] [URL=http://s32.photobucket.com/user/Psycho_Blaze/media/DragonCallerbySaydaondeviantART.png.html][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Psycho_Blaze/DragonCallerbySaydaondeviantART.png[/IMG][/URL] Born of the volcano. 100%: Heat Absorption. 80%+: Thermal energy manipulation & Conjuration. 60%+: Fire manipulation. Adrenaline boost. 40%+: Heat detection. Fire breath. Heat resistance. 20%+: Hot blood. Tyro are known to be the founders of Fotia. The dragon war caused their people to find refuge among active volcanoes. This was to make life easier to avoid dragons. This resulted in them learning to manipulate lava flow to produce their first civilization.[/hider] [hider=Nayu] [URL=http://s32.photobucket.com/user/Psycho_Blaze/media/DragonsSoulbySaydaondeviantART.png.html][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Psycho_Blaze/DragonsSoulbySaydaondeviantART.png[/IMG][/URL] Born of the shadow. 100%: Shadow stepping. 80%+: Invisibility. Shadow manipulation. Sound manipulation. 60%+: Hemotoxic venom fangs. 40%+: Poison resistance. Blood consumption. 20%+: Night vision. Nayu typically reside in the underground cities of Nero of which they have founded. During *the great divide their people were pushed to the underground by poisonous feral dragons.[/hider] [hider=Oro] [URL=http://s32.photobucket.com/user/Psycho_Blaze/media/Untitled2.jpg.html][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Psycho_Blaze/Untitled2.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Born of the mountain. 100%: Metal dense hide & claws. Air and earth conjuration. 80%+: Air manipulation. Air detection. 60%+: Earth/Gravel manipulation. Ground detection. 40%+: Rock hard hide, claws & dragon wings. Strength boost. 20%+: Bleed resistance. Thick blood. The Oro were once split into two groups during *the divide. One group lived on the mountains and the other lived below the mountains. After a war for resources was waged between the two for decades they found peace after the *dragon war and lived among each other in Gaia.[/hider] [hider=Sol] [URL=http://s32.photobucket.com/user/Psycho_Blaze/media/InfernoUbannademonbyHarpiyaondeviantART.png.html][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Psycho_Blaze/InfernoUbannademonbyHarpiyaondeviantART.png[/IMG][/URL] Born of the sun. 100%: Light absorption. Concentrated thermal light manipulation. 80%+: Mind reading. Astral projection. Telekinesis. 60%+: Force field. Plant energy absorption. 40%+: Mental communication. Psychic detection. Plant manipulation. 20%+: Bright light resistance. The Sol were formed long ago after the divide. They found lush jungle with hospitable vegetation which they used to survive. Resulting in them being primarily herbivores yet retaining an omnivorous state. The Sol, Vrondi that ascended during the *Dragon war created a kingdom out of natural plantation.[/hider] [hider=Lassa][URL=http://s32.photobucket.com/user/Psycho_Blaze/media/GoldenSun-SaturosbyXMenouXondeviantART.png.html][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Psycho_Blaze/GoldenSun-SaturosbyXMenouXondeviantART.png[/IMG][/URL] Born of the sea. 100%: Gravity manipulation. 80%+: Liquid manipulation. Water conjuration. 60%+: Water manipulation. Water sensing. Electricity absorption. 40%+: Gills. Underwater detection. Water walking. Water healing. 20%+: Resistance to electricity. There was a race of amphibious dragon kin named Abyssils who were technologically advanced. They were a species born from the ocean that raided many of the Descendants and were superior to them. They interbred with Descendant slaves and created the Lassa, who were in a internal struggle for many decades. After the Dragon war many pure Abyssils died and the remaining interbred with Descendants. [/hider] [hider=Seraphim][URL=http://s32.photobucket.com/user/Psycho_Blaze/media/AngelwithMasksbynJooondeviantART.png.html][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Psycho_Blaze/AngelwithMasksbynJooondeviantART.png[/IMG][/URL] Born of the cosmos. 100%: Intangible form & form manipulation. 80%+: Soul manipulation & absorption. Soul armor & weapon conjuring. 60%+: Portal jumping. Portal sensing. Portal conjuring. Ghost vision. 40%+: Angelic wings. Air walking. Halo light. 20%+: Soul detection. When Descendants with Seraphim blood combine their children may be born angelic looking. A concentration of angelic born people breeding creates small lineages of Descendants with these traits. Despite the concentration attempts no Descendant even with full blood is perfect until ascended. [/hider] [hider=Dragon] [URL=http://s32.photobucket.com/user/Psycho_Blaze/media/TheDragonbyGENZOMANondeviantART.png.html][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Psycho_Blaze/TheDragonbyGENZOMANondeviantART.png[/IMG][/URL] Born of the Ancient. 100%: Shapeshifting. Heat & cold manipulation & conjuration. 80%+: Fire & frost manipulation. Metal dense claws. Regeneration. 60%+: Stone hard scales. Fire & frost breath. Metal dense teeth. 40%+: Metal dense horns. Heat & Cold resistant scales. Binocular vision. Smell detection. 20%+: Dragon wings & tail. Those born with Dragon blood appear more Dragon than most and a concentration of breeding between those having Dragon blood can make Dragon descendants. A combination of Seraphim and Dragon may create beings undefined known as Hybrids. The dragons ruled over the world, both sea, land, and air. They dominated *Descendants and used them as food and slaves. The most powerful of Dragons ruled over the lesser and feral. These rulers interbred with Descendants and made more powerful forms of their kind. The civilizations Descendants were once ruled by were destroyed by the *Dragon war. Leaving most Dragons displaced and living amongst Descendants.[/hider] [hider=blood weakness][h1]Blood Weakness[/h1] Tyro - 40% and up. They are cold blooded and require warmth. Extreme cold is their bane, damaging their stamina and locking their muscles. Eventually if under long exposure they're forced asleep. 60% Their bodies turn hot and overheat quickly. Far too much activity can over heat their insides causing them to go into a paralyses from exertion. Nayu - 40% Their hearing is more susceptible to being damaged by loud noises. 60%+ Bright lights damage eyes and must feed on blood every 2 days. 80%+ Blind unless able to pass the trial of the King in game. Oro - 40% hard scales are heavier slowing them down including wings and hard to file claws, cannot fly unless a trial is passed in game. 60% Thicker skin and flesh making surgical procedures and healing harder and takes longer. Sol - 40%+ Needs to nourish their cells underneath sunlight for a hour a day to be at neutral energy and loses energy the longer left out of sunlight. 60%+ Needs to charge under light for two hours a day for neutral energy and are physically weaker than most other types. Lassa - 40%+ very easily dried if not wet and the longer left without water can easily be dehydrated and scales will grow weak and flake. 60%+ Can either breath air or water, cannot breath both unless you pass a trial in game. Susceptible to heat when dry. 80% +Webbed feet and hands make movement on land difficult. Seraphim - 40% wings are large and hard to move around with, those with halos make hiding in dark impossible as it is a ring of intangible light. 60% Physically weaker and emits a smell and aura that is noticeable to all descendants, and is considered attractive. 100% Can only become intangible in the form of a certain element (flames,ice,air,sand etc) and shares that elements weakness at all times. If one is able to master a special technique [b]IG[/b] they can also be hurt. Dragon - 40% Slowed by claws, wings and horns and tail. Susceptible to mental manipulation. 60% Even heavier and slow, the middle of the chest is weaker and the heart resides underneath it. 100% They are only have to shape shift into a form of a creature they have seen before. However it will not be perfect and dragon traits will be visible. This can be done once every few weeks. [/hider] [center][u][h1]Manipulation & Manifestation[/h1][/u] Through out the universe those who are able to tap into a higher level of being open the doors to limitless possibilities. Harnessing this for lesser beings such as humans would be difficult, but for descendants it is feasible. [hider=How it works][h1]Manipulators[/h1] You can alter things around you as you wish. Flame control, air control, water control. Or even psychic powers like mind reading, or levitation. All of reality can be manipulated, even time. There are limits to how far one can go. However with proper training [b]IG[/b] you can extend your influence. Humans are able to manipulate as well and find it easier on Protogonos. These manipulators are Indigos. A descendants manipulation depends on their blood limits, personal choice, and experience. For example a full blooded Lassa will not be able to learn fire manipulations. Descendants use their souls essence when manipulating. This essence can run out but can be replenished. This replenishing takes time. Training [b]IG[/b] can increase the essence and replenishing speed. Humans have a limit ass well, as manipulating things with their very mind puts a strain on their brain. Extended use of their powers or excessive use will lead to seizures, comas, tumors, etc. [h1]Manifestors -[/h1] Things that arise from no where. These things are taken from another world and brought here. This is beyond the impossible. Necromancy, spellcasting, Pyromancy, summoning. All forms of manifestations. For example when a descendant summons fire, lightning, or water from where there is none that is manifesting something into reality. Spell casting is a different and more varied way of manifesting. It requires knowledge of how to cast the spell. For a descendant the cost for a spell is some of their soul's essence. For a human it will be the visions of their past lives, good or bad, which in the long term will result in a coma where they will enter a maze of past life memories. Upon exiting this maze can they return. These humans are known as Starseeds. [/hider][/center] [center][h1]Technology[/h1] The descendants and their technology varies and at times their machines surpass our own. However most of their technology is sub modern at best. The most technological capitals are Fotia and Tearia. Outside of those two technology, save for guns and custom made vehicles, won't be available. No one truly knows where technology came from. But all of their advancements were found, then copied by smiths and craftsmen who fall short of creating a exact replica but whose unique design became staples for their people. [/center] [center][u][h1]Factions[/h1][/u] [hider=Therosi]A secretive organization of descendants all over the Edafos who work to capture, enslave and oppress those with near pure angelic traits. Represented by a Dragon claw grasping a sphere.[/hider] [hider=Sureiya]The guild for Dragon slayers and swordsman. Magnixx is also the leader of this group for his forefathers are the founders. Only the head of a full grown feral dragon can earn you a place here. Represented by a flaming sword.[/hider] [hider=Aion]The supporters of angelic beings forced to work in secret due to the Therosi Guild. Their leader is a Seraphim named Mirror. Represented by a blue feather.[/hider] [hider=Dolofon]League of Assassins. Their leader is the king of Nero, Sleeth. Only dropping bodies without a trace on contract can earn you a seat in this guild. They are funded and work closely with the kingdom of Nero. Represented by a red droplet. [/hider] [hider=Taxis]The guild for the followers of healing and order. Their leader is king Vrondi and they make most of the security and military force of the Vrondi kingdom.They hunt and destroy cannibals, mass murderers, abominations, and heal and aid the sick with a combination of healing remedies from all over. They often work closely with the Vrondi and Aion. Represented by a green sun.[/hider] [hider=Magoi]Spellcaster alliance. Must know at least 4 spells to enter this guild. They produce learnable spells and collect knowledge on all spells. They often seek spells that have not been recorded. Represented by a lightning bolt.[/hider] [b]Pet:[/b][hider=What to put here.] [URL=http://media.photobucket.com/user/pokeaddict17xakatsukifan17/media/Mythical%20Creatures/KirawSakaandSenyo.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1012.photobucket.com/albums/af247/pokeaddict17xakatsukifan17/Mythical%20Creatures/KirawSakaandSenyo.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [i]The Descendants have become masters of taming the wild. So much so the variety is out there. What one chooses to command might not always be to their best interest. Getting to these monsters is something of a great sacrifice.[/i] Name- Height- Weight- Age- Sex- Personality- Equipment - One here unless said otherwise by class perk. Abilities/Powers- 2 abilities & or powers max.[/hider] [b]Adv. App.:[/b] How your mech looks. Picture or detail. [hider=More to place][URL=http://s32.photobucket.com/user/Psycho_Blaze/media/ArmoredCoreMirrorandsmokebyGetterDragonondeviantART.png.html][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Psycho_Blaze/ArmoredCoreMirrorandsmokebyGetterDragonondeviantART.png[/IMG][/URL] [i]The technology of humans without limits on imagination. These come in varying sizes and abilities. Two major capitals utilize these in war and life. Fotia and the Tearians use these the most. However their power sources differ from heat and magma, to water pressure and electricity. To the custom builder the source can be whatever they wish. Some even use their soul.[/i] Height- Max size 8 meters, shortest 4. Metal base- Iron, Titanium, Copper etc Type - Heavy, medium, light. Power source- Location of the power source on the mech and what it is. Equipment - 1. Customized gun in detail and how it’s used. 2. Customized blade in detail and how it is used. 3. Special equipment of your choosing in detail and how it’s used.[/hider] [b]Abilities/Powers:[/b] [hider=Blood% & Soul]Depending on the blood% are you allowed the given abilities inherently. For example being 100% of anything allows you all the powers below granted you have experience in using them. Detail which powers you chose from your pool and how you use them. You may have preferred variations of the powers and abilities available. [/hider][/center][/hider] ----------------------- [center][u][h1]Rules[/h1][/u] Basic rules apply. No Godmoding, Powerplaying etc. No ongoing details of sex and mutilation etc. Some is ok. The [b]IG[/b] stands for In Game. What is allowed must be achieved in the roleplay. The descendants range from demon, angel, dragon, and mixes between these. Nothing more or less. The world is as it is, confusing and mysterious. Keep it that way, however your own history and even something like a village can be created to fit it. The overall world must remain the same. Fighting and dealing with death is based on how I decide things should be fated. Most of the time if the battle Is fair between pvp I'll allow the victorious their decision. People will die in this RP. Humans are limited to a small number. If a human dies a spot will open for a new one to enter the story. Descendants are unlimited except for the Seraphim ones. Have fun.[/center] [u][b] Character sheet[/b][/u] [b]Quote:[/b] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] (Descendants mature like humans up until the age of 20 which they don't show signs of aging for another 30 years and live to be around 200.) [b]Species:[/b] Between Descendant and human. [b]Blood%:[/b] What % of blood from each race or species does your character have? Must be in multiples of 10 and equal to 100. [b]Gender:[/b] Male Female Both or Neither [b]Sex Preference:[/b] Hetero, Bi, Homo, Cannibalsexual? [b]Height:[/b] [b]Weight:[/b] [b]Physical appearance:[/b] Your Picture &/or Description. Your appearance should match your Blood%. Meaning a 100% Dragon should not appear human unless a shape shifter or magic. [b]Apparel:[/b]Your customized clothing and armor. Quality armor is [b]IG[/b] unless achieved through experience or history. [b]Vehicle:[/b] Your transportation and its top speed in mph. [b]Personality:[/b] Brief description on character's quirks, likes, and peeves. [b]Occupation:[/b] Your job if any. [b]Faction:[/b] You may choose a faction or not. [b]Pet:[/b] Only Tamers with experience with elite feral dragon trainers on Gaia's mountain peeks can have full fledged dragons as pets. There are only Dragons on this world, no dogs or cats etc. You may create your own species of dragon and detail its abilities. Fully grown animals that can be used in battle can only be achieved [b]IG[/b] for those with no listed experience. [b]Adv. App.:[/b] Only those with experience with fighting in elite squadrons on either Fotia or Tearianaris. [b]IG[/b] [b]Exp:[/b] Brief description on your character's training. [b]Spells:[/b] Conjuring and other manipulations of dimensions for specific effects. Only 2. If no abilities then 4. [b]Abilities/Powers:[/b] Genetic or enhanced potential. Only 2. If not a spellcaster 4. [b]Weapons:[/b] Your weapon. Only 1. [b]History:[/b] A brief tour into your character's life and how they end up where they are at the start of the RPG. [b]Trivia:[/b] (optional) Didn't know that!