The Creature's words meant nothing to him, but Ael didn't have difficulty ignoring the words, if only because there were many and he didn't have the patience to actually comprehend it all. Javilla, on the other hand, was allowing the words to surround her and encase her in a doubt that paralyzed her. Ael covered her back with one of his hands, allowing a warming Light to penetrate through her heart and into her mind. "[b]You must escape,[/b]" he said. His eyes remained on the girl. He focused intently upon the task to rid the Darkness within her. "[b]Your mind is stronger than your body,[/b]" he continued with a complete sentense, now able to focus on constructing full sentences. "[b]You must fight Darkness with Mind as you would an enemy with Body.[/b]" The girl looked up at him. Her skin had turned a sickly green that slowly grew yellow. Ael would not know this, but it was a sign she was finding the courage and mental strength to combat some of the Darkness and find some kind of resolve. She jumped up and sprinted through one of the tunnels. She had no idea where she was going, but she believed if she ran fast enough, she'd be able to reach the surface and figure out where she was. However, this was quickly interrupted by another wave of Negativity that pushed her down, but she wouldn't let it fell her again. She braced herself against the curved wall and focused on her mind to at least counter all of the doubt welling inside her while rationalizing against what she could. She had to slow to a walk to perform this mental combat, but she pushed on, showing a kind of resolve that would make her Master proud if he had any idea the level to which she was affected. But the Sith Lord was very much on her trail. The words he spoke were directed at the male, but it was only for the purpose of drawing him away. In the darkened corridors of the endless maze, Darth Seducus was more than capable of throwing his voice through the Force, offering misdirection and shadow to answer Ael's search for the Sith, while in truth his path was right on the heels of his Padawan. "[color=ed1c24]Still no answer, Master Jedi?[/color]" Seducus called to Ael, his voice echoing through the corridors as another light was shattered with a rippling snare of the force. "[color=ed1c24]You must either be hiding a big secret, or you are really focused on trying to find me and keep me quiet....for your Padawan's sake, of course. Or can you just not form the words?[/color]" Ael's only response was to look around and attempt to feel the Creature through the Force. But, the Creature was all around him. Another sinister and mocking laugh rumbled through the metal pipes, the combination of the echo and his attempts to mask his presence continuing to make him hard to track. He could see the girl now. His body hid underneath another darkened light, but he had succeeded in coming around through the tunnels to cut off her path. With a small step, he pushed himself into the open, his lightsaber now at his belt when coming into full vision of the young lady. She flinched when she saw the figure and gasped slightly. Her defenses shattered by this disruption. "[color=ed1c24]Well if he's not going to answer, perhaps you can,[/color]" Darth Seducus asked, his voice dropping to barely over a whisper to prevent it echoing thorugh the tunnels and giving away his positioning to Ael, which he could sense was a bit far off, but could still get within striking distance of a matter of seconds. "[color=ed1c24]What are you doing on Nar Shadda? Did he even tell you, or are you just being trained to follow him and not ask questions, lapdog?[/color]" The girl attempted to compose herself, refusing the being any further control over her emotions, however futile. Her scaled hand dropped from the wall and turned into a fist at her side to match the other. She looked at the male's feet for a moment before gaining the courage to look into his mask. She tried to see if there was any way to see through the mask to get a look at his face, but there was no use in such a dark environment. "[color=92278f]Why do you even care so much?[/color]" she asked rhetorically. Her voice was shaking slightly, but she fought to keep a level tone. "[color=92278f]And the Council wanted us to investigate into Le'Cudosch, that's it.[/color]" Her brows thickened into a furrow around her eyes. Her skin was faintly changing colors, though that would have been difficult to see in the blackness of the corridor. A thought came to her, then. Yjaniphur extended its purple blade down toward the floor. Her only intention was to give more light to the situation. She knew better than to show aggression to someone clearly superior to herself. "[b]Do not fear. You are strong,[/b]" a voice echoed faintly in her ear. "[b]Run![/b]" it then shouted. Ael was attempting to reach her telepathically, and it worked in the most unrefined manner. She responded by leaping to her left onto the curved wall, pushing upward to maneuver around and behind the Sith. She flipped and allowed the blade of her lightsaber to sink into the metal wall to slow her descent and then race off away from the Sith. At least that was her plan, and it would have worked if she was in control of the situation. However, as she touched ground to take off, she only found the Sith once more cutting her off as she turned to leave. Was it just a trick of her eyes? Had he really moved that fast? Or was he standing before her this whole time? His mind was clouding hers, the closer in proximity she was to him, the more his words would confuse her, his mental mind games constricting around her psyche, trying to suffocate her thoughts like a python strangling her prey. "[color=ed1c24]They send a pair Jedi to chase down gangsters?[/color]" Darth Seducus said, laughing. "[color=92278f]I-I didn't - say that,[/color]" she stuttered. Her speech was clearly impared by the powerful Sith before her. He continued as if she hadn't even responded. "[color=ed1c24]You are correct in the assumption that I do not care if a gang lives or dies. There will always be another gang on this cesspool of a planet,[/color]" he continued and waved his hand under his nose as thought crossing his mind reminded him of the stench of the sewers. His attention seemed to shift, but Javilla was too concerned with keeping some control of her mind. "[color=ed1c24]Do you not find it strange that they send Jedi, however?[/color]" Oddly, the Sith simply released his grip on her, not bothering to crush or throw her, simply letting her to her feet as he spoke. "[color=ed1c24]You do not find that a waste of your talents? Of your very training?[/color]" He asked, pointing at her. A weak groan, almost inaudible, began to leave her mouth. Her free hand came up to her temple as it pounded against her brain and caused a deep and aching pain. "[color=ed1c24]Last I checked...the Jedi Order was to bring peace to the Galaxy.[/color]" He gestured outwards, motioning to the city above. "[color=ed1c24]Did you not sense the overwhelmeng Darkness permeating this planet? How is looking into one gang going to bring peace to anyone? If anything, this planet will face more turmoil with a power vaccum a group like Le'Cudosch were to suddenly vanish.[/color]" Clearly still defiant, she said, "[color=92278f]You - know nothing.[/color]" Her eyes were watering and turning red, but only seemed to darken in the purple blade's dull, yet intense, illumination. He stood and waited for her next move, though he had not made attempts to be hostile after his grab with the force. While he made it very clear with his mind and pheremones to keep her allured to him, her focus soley on him. He would try to block the Jedi's influence out, bring this girl to a firm realization of her situation. "[color=ed1c24]And before you ask, I know you do not -think- you are here to kill anyone. Correct? That's what you were told, I assume. They say a Jedi enforces peace, and only carries tools of death to defend themselves. you not see your very presence as a means of aggression? The Republic could have sent anyone, including people who aren't our kind. Yet they send a militaristic Jedi and his Padawan to come to Nar you not find that as a means of aggression?[/color]" Through the serpents and tentacles writhing through her mind, she was able to find some memories and lessons she'd learned during her time on Panatha. Though it felt like he was a distant and fading memory, she still felt like Ael's wisdom was valid. "[color=92278f]Intent trumps impression,[/color]" she spat out. "[color=92278f]And if aggression is the culture, then the solution or outcome may be aggression. And aggression, though not the automatic solution, may be the only solution. We are trained to respect death and the need for aggression, not revel in or cherish it.[/color]" There was clear disgust in her voice, but her full attention was on the being in front of her. She raised the pit of her blade directly toward the convex blackness of the male's helmet. "[color=92278f]The mind is a powerful thing,[/color]" she said with no hint irony. "[color=ed1c24]Bold words...spoken like a true Jedi. It is a shame the 'intent' does not cooberate the logic behind it.[/color]" The Sith responded, offering a short chuckle. "[color=ed1c24]I can feel your distaste of me, and subsequently the frustration you feel when we speak.[/color]" The Falleen female couldn't help but believe he was correct. Was she just believing what she was told? She tried her best to discredit him, but how could she know that she truly understood that what she was doing was morally superior. He pointed at her. "[color=ed1c24]I can feel the turmoil, the confusion by the contradiction of participating in such acts, you're simply puppeting what you were told to me...tell me, what do you really feel?[/color]" "[color=92278f]I-I...[/color]"