[center][hr][hr][colour=007236][h1]Séamus Ruaidhrí Whelan[/h1][hr][hr][/colour] [img]http://melissamckenzie.com/uploads/2/7/0/6/2706787/4143854.jpg?378[/img] [b][u]Time:[/u][/b] 11:05 A.M. [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] Lakeside [b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b] Jacen - [@Prudence][hr][/center] Séamus began to walk with Jacen to his car, saying hello to Jun as he quickly passed. [quote=@Prudence] [color=0054a6]"Apparently, you'd be surprised my friend."[/color] [/quote] Séamus followed Jacen's gaze towards Grant, and thought to himself, [colour=007236][i]Grant wouldn't do something like that, would he?[/i][/colour] He wondered. Séamus made a mental note to perhaps ask him about it casually the next time the two of them were alone. He took the joint back from Jacen, and finished it off. [colour=007236]"Ahh, that felt good,[/colour] he said with a sigh, as he flicked the very end of it on the ground. [quote=@Prudence] [color=0054a6]"Where ya wanna go buddy? There's the arcade? Or we could grab a case of 'Adams with my fake ID and watch a movie marathon or play some video games. Or we could go to a strip club."[/color] [/quote] [colour=007236]"Hmm,"[/colour] Séamus pondered, whist scratching his chin a bit [colour=007236][i]I'll have to shave before the party,[/i][/colour] he thought to himself, before continuing to Jacen's question, [colour=007236]How about we go to my house and play some video games?"[/colour] he asked, [colour=007236]"There's plenty of booze at my house, and there's some weed there. There might even be some, eheh, harder drugs, that I might be willing to share with you."[/colour] Soon after, they were at the car park of Lakeside. [color=0054a6]"You wanna drive separate or ride together?" [/color] Jacen asked, [colour=007236]I can drive the both of us, if you want,"[/colour] Séamus offered.