[h2][center]A Friend in Need[/center][/h2] [h3][center]----- Gratia Mindaro -----[/center][/h3] “Welcome to the Dodici Cosca regional bank.” The receptionist chirped gleefully meeting the steely gaze of Gratia Mindaro. She looked her up and down, there was a notable lacking of tastefulness in the way she did it. Ogling everything from Gratia’s physique to her weapon. She blinked and seemed to be processing the look upon the young girl’s visage. She then raised her arms in defeat and looked over at one of the men to the side of her. “Another one for you.” She said as the man walked forward and put a meaty hand of Gratia’s shoulder. “Doesn’t she look a little young for the other stuff?” The merc grunted releasing his grip on Gratia. “Whatever, I don’t make the decisions, that’s the big man upstairs. All we need is a small proof of concept and we’ll take you right to him.” The man said leading Gratia to a door located behind the receptionist. She mouthed the words ‘good luck’ with a playful wink as Gratia walked by her. “Just be careful of Sonny today, he’s in a bit of a mood.” The man spat out opening the door revealing a back lot with some vehicles parked. There was a man in a white dress shirt stubbornly allowing what looked to be his assistant attempt to remove a deep red stain from the collar. In his right hand he held a steel bat and in his right a small knife. [color=f7976a]“This the new recruit?”[/color] Sonny asked swatting away the hand of his assistant and standing up, he seemed to tower over even the man who was escorting Gratia. “Yes sir.” The man replied to his superior. [color=f7976a]“Name’s Sonny Dodici, yours is?”[/color] [center][h3]-----V[s]G[/s]NB-----[/h3][/center] While Gratia went in to the bank and was escorted out and behind the building, the rest of VGNB would notice the receptionist begin to close up, waving goodbye to the last bodyguard in the building and proceed to take an elevator up through the building. The bodyguard locked the front door and immediately went out the same door as Gratia was lead out, leaving the team alone with their thoughts.