[b][color=DC143C]"By the time I finish dragging myself to the academy I will already look like a carcass fit for dogs, skin scraped off and all!"[/color][/b] Claire ran her long fingers through her hair, dark eyes remaining hooded behind her glasses. It was clear that rising up early wasn't the usual for not-so-little Claire, especially during six in the morning. At this time she would normally be drooling into her pillow and rolling around under her blankets like she usually did. However, this wasn't Claire's usual anymore. If she was to survive in this school then she would need to adapt to a much more different usual. The girl had just managed to make it past the school gates when she saw a rather large circle of people through her drooping eyelids. Claire couldn't stand the racket the other pupils were making at this time of day but the continuously enlarging crowd began to draw her attention. [b][color=DC143C]"Well, I did not expect to see the entire world population in one place at this time of day."[/color][/b] Claire crept towards the ring of measly human beings, poking her head up to see what the fuss was. She was on her tippy toes now, trying to get a better view from so far away. Oh. A fight. [b][color=DC143C]"Ooh, I am definitely keeping my eyes open to see this!"[/color][/b] But in the blink of an eye it was all over. The second her eyes opened again she saw the scrawny little girl on the ground, her ankles beginning to draw blood. Claire was too far away to see how bad the injury was, but seeing that the little student was literally [i]bleeding[/i] on the floor, it seemed pretty bad. Like, really bad. Soon, the crowd had disbanded, dispersing into their own little friend groups and all that lovely stuff. Not so lovely for Claire, though. A new school, a new year, and a new freaking [i]country[/i]. Would she make friends? A chance, yes. Would she make enemies? A chance, [i]yes[/i]. [hr] At least Claire was alive enough to find her way through the school to her designated classroom. With her brain in a complete and utter wreck she thought it would be more of a challenge to find where she was going. [b][color=DC143C]"Small Unit Tactics class… huh. The only thing I am looking forward to is to see whether this is the classroom I am supposed to be in or not."[/color][/b] Poking her head around the door, Claire smiled, trying to at least make some sort of good impression on her new classmates. Some sort of good impression. [b][color=DC143C]"So… this is, uh, Small Unit Tactics class? I actually do not know where I am supposed to be right now, these early hours are really taking a great toll on me."[/color][/b]