[@thewizardguy][@dirty slime] Roy was startled by the newcomer's appearance and audacity to interrupt this one on one fight. He was even more startled at the woman's capabilities, as she made the stone wall ripple and part. Her taunts had irritated him, but he forced himself to calm down and react to the new threat to Foxtrot. As the newcomer attempted to leave, Roy dropped the rifle and clapped his hands together and touched the ground behind her. The iron and carbon in the ground fused together and worked its way around the woman's ankles to temporarily bind her in place. "No, you had the nerve to interrupt. You're a part of this fight now. It's a fair fight now!" Roy taunted, as he chuckled as he climbed back to his feet. He clapped his hands together and touched the ground beneath him and as his stood up, the Iron and Carbon fused together in the form of a steel sword, which he wielded with his right hand. He snapped his fingers on his left hand and launched a fireball at the newcomer, before turning toward the Mage-Knight. He could fear the aura being thrown off by the Knight, but his bravery, though it could be mistaken for stupidity, was greater. His morale far from broken, he snapped his fingers and launched a fireball at the Knight though he knew it would do nothing or very little but irritate him. "Come on, are you that slow?" Roy coughed. He knew that he didn't know how to use a sword effectively, but it would at least give the Knight the feeling that this was to be an honourable battle. "Come on, face me, both of you!" The lieutenant hollered at them, clapping his hands together and alchemically closing the opening the newcomer made in the wall. He knew for a fact if this worked, he was going to die, but hopefully he would take some of these creatures with him. "You imply my men would have stood a chance against your small group of mages, without the support of their own similarly capable team is aggravating. I have confidence in them, but not that much, not knowing what I've heard about your group. And you! I don't know what you are! But if you want to harm my men, you'll have to fight me first."