(Joan- her office at River City Academy) It was the start of another year at River City, and Joan Reynolds, better known to the world at large as Artemis, was watching the new heroes-in-training pass through. Last year had been pretty good, and the Academy had grown quite prestigious. There were still problems, though. Tops on her agenda was finding the location of this mysterious Blackwood Academy and shutting down the flow of new supervillains. She sighed, putting those thoughts out of her head. Today was about optimism, not dwelling on failures. She went out into the main hallway, greeting students and generally getting them used to her presence. (Anita- River City Academy main entrance) Anita walked into River City Academy for the first time, rather in awe. There were [i]so many[/i] heroes here, and most of them probably had actual powers, not just a skill with devices. She looked up at the ceiling, which had been painted with a massive mural of famous heroes. The Dragon, Maelstrom, and Mr. Majestic, just to name a few. She wasn't worthy of being among them yet, but who knew, maybe someday she'd be up there. Or at least a bust in an alcove. (Iris- Blackwood Main Entrance) This was it. Her first day at Blackwood. Her first step on her plan for world domination. Admittedly, she wasn't sure what step two was, but one thing at a time. She looked over her fellow evildoers with a critical eye, sizing them up as best she could. It never hurt to get the measure of your rivals, and she was sure there would be very few friendships made. The very nature of the business saw to that.