(Calvin- River City Academy main entrance) Calvin devours his third burger of the morning before looking down at his watch. Almost time to be at his first day at the academy. With a rush of excitement he slurps down the rest of his milkshake. He gets up, pays and rushes out the door of the place. With a grin he straightens his backpack on his back before taking off, running as fast as his red converse can take him. That is, until close to the school he trips causing him to tumble for a good 10 years and land on his face in the front of the school. "owwwww" he sits up and rubs his face before standing. A few bruises now on his arms and one on his cheek. "What" he looks at one untied shoe. "why sneaker why" He grumbles and reties his shoe before dusting off his jeans and walking inside. He pauses looking at everything with awe. "awesome" he whispers as he looks up at it all. Seeing as he is standing in the middle of the hall way it is quite likely he will get run into....not that he is thinking of that at the moment.