Katie-Riverwood academy)[@BlackPanther] The quiet steps of lightened feet hovered through the halls. The tapping of a cane loyally following suit. Sticking out like a bloom in the dead of winter, a figure moved as though lost. Her head brushing past the shoulder's of few, her eyes gently closed in a meditated face as she held her cane. Hair as white as snow dressed in riding cloths. Three small books strapped to her belt, bound in leather and locked up tight. With bated breath she reached out to what she thought was a person, fingers barely grasping fabric only to be lost once more. A sigh escaping her lips as she was foiled again. "Its as if I was brought forth into lore that will scorch." In reply to her strange words and tiny voice, a formless shadow appeared on her shoulder without her knowing, only for the silhouette to start to vanish as she continued through the halls, her hand grasping a walking cane that was carved in ebony and painted in silver of a horse at the end. "Come now it must be near, they said I should soon be clear." Shes been listening through each building, trying to find where she was supposed to go. Where she was supposed to stay. Her family telling her that she would have had a guide yet that person never came. And so the albino girl kept tapping her cane, continuing to reach out for sounds that she singled from the others, trying to find a person that would help her in such a strange place. Shes never thought she would have come here, she was supposed to be in the Olympics, a rider, and now she was in a school for super hero’s? It was as though someone decided to write her tale in someone else’s book. Once again she reached out, hands grasping fabric she found a smile tug on her lips, the fabric seeming choreas, used and loved for quite some time. "Excuse me, but may I ask, where is the place in which we must stay? I've been quite lost all day."