[center] [b][i][u]California City Airport A day before the start of term 7:00AM [color=6ecff6]William[/color] and [color=fff79a]Charly[/color] Winter[/u][/i][/b] [/center] William and Charly waited and watched as bag after bag passed by their eyes on the conveyor belt. Williams dark black suitcase stood upright like a soldier at his side, a small grin was on his lips, he was looking forward to the new term. He was finally a senior and he couldn't wait to be a fully qualified hero, even if he didn't want to become one that was a great qualification to have in any job field. Charly, however, had a much different point of view on the situation. Not only was she terrified that her bag had been stolen or lost, she was anxious about the start of the new term, and this was obvious in her physical mannerisms. She kept playing with her bright blonde hair, switching between straightening it and curling it around her finger. She knew it would be fine though, as long as she had her brother with her things would be alright. William took Charly's bag from the conveyor and handed it to her, with a quiet [color=fff79a]"Thank you" [/color]the two walked on. No matter if the year was good or bad it was going to be eventful, they could feel it in their bones. [hr] [center] [b][i][u]River City Academy [color=6ecff6]William [/color]and [color=fff79a]Charly[/color] Winter[/u][/i][/b] [/center] The Winter siblings walked side by side into the school, William with his normal confident demeanour and Charly with her usual anxious attitude. William took a look around the school grounds, scanning the area for any friends he could spot. To tell the truth, William had quite a few friends not only in his year group, but in the lower ones as well. He often volunteered for any projects the school had going on and just generally chit chatted with people to the point where his name was rather well known around the school campus. Charly, however, was just known as his sister. She had a very small group of friends which wasn't exactly something she complained about. Occasionally she'd get rather mad at just being known for being her brother's sister, but for the most part she was totally fine with it, or so she told herself. Nevertheless, William took to socializing and the siblings quickly said their goodbyes for the day. Charly headed into the building, only to see the principle of the school standing in the hallway greeting students. Joan Reynolds was a nice woman as far as Charly was concerned. She had greatly helped her with her confidence problems over the years and the two had become friends to some degree. As far as a student and a teacher can really become friends really. She hurried up to her before greeting her. [color=fff79a]"Hello Ms. Reynolds!"[/color] She greeted. She'd never learned if Joan was married or not, and as a result had always just referred to her with 'Ms'. [color=fff79a]"How was your holiday? Me and my brother had a great time back in Germany!"[/color] She said gleefully. William had taken another route while walking into the building, instead going into the main lobby rather than the hallway. He smiled gleefully, his gap tooth showing as he greeted various old friends and acquaintances. Before spotting a rather awestruck new student staring agape at the large mural covering the ceiling of the room. He did his duty as a good student and swanned his way over to her. She was short that was for sure, and obviously one of the younger students, hell, William even had to crouch slightly just to get within talking distance of her. He looked to the artwork she looked at and reminisced about his first time seeing them. It was a much smaller mural then of course, unfinished and lacking a few high name heroes, but still, fantastic painting. [color=6ecff6]"That's my grandfather you know"[/color] He spoke, pointing to a winged hero bearing the very same costume that William now held in his bag. [color=6ecff6]"Fun fact"[/color] He said, cockily, expressing with his hands as he continued to speak. [color=6ecff6]"That mural was actually painted by students of previous years, there was quite a problem when one student with the ability to bring paintings to life joined the school, that's for sure"[/color] He said, grinning as he did. [color=6ecff6]"You are new yes? Did you get a tour of the school or are you having trouble findi-"[/color] He almost inquired, before feeling a tugging on his shirt. He turned to face an extremely pale girl, eyes closed and tapping a cane along the floor. She spoke in rhyme, not the strangest thing William had ever seen at the school but strange nonetheless. [color=6ecff6]"The place you need to stay?"[/color] He said, pausing to think for a second. [color=7ea7d8]"That would be the dormitory just outside"[/color] It suddenly struck him that the poor girl was blind, he felt a slight bit of blush come over him as he realized his stupidity. He quickly regained his posture and spoke again. [color=7ea7d8]"In fact, I'm rather sure you would need to know that as well wouldn't you?"[/color] He spoke, turning to the shorter girl. Joy sprung across his face. [color=7ea7d8]"I could introduce you both to my sister! She'd know exactly where your room was and would be more than happy to help!"[/color] He spoke, hurrying his words to the point where the mixture of his accent with the speed that he spoke at would be hard to understand for a non-native English speaker. [color=7ea7d8]"I'm William, by the way, my sister is, Charly, I think she's over in the main hallway if you'd like me to go and fetch her?"[/color]