[@Mr_pink] Looking up at the sound of a male voice, the girl tilted her head. Locks of white framing her face and brushing her bag slung over her shoulder. "The dormitory outside? So that means I must look for the sky, least I'll try." Dipping her head she was about to say her thanks, a new journey opening now that she has an idea of where to feel for. Only for the voice to continue, it was a strange one, full of mixed accents and speedy words. Telling of his sister and how she could give assistance. A smile spreading on her face she nodded her head. "That help would be quit grand. For you see I am quite new to this land, the one you see goes my the name of Kaite Siree, and its a pleasure to meet thee." She was more than used to finding places on her own but to have someone help her to the exact location was always a welcome hand.