It was odd, that was for sure, to be cared by a grown women up a small incline. Billy wasn't necessarily heavy set but he knew he weighed over at least 140, yet here this women was climbing with him on her back! It didn't even look like she was straining herself either and because of that Billy was ashamed. He was incredibly embarrassed that he had found himself in this predicament and did not say a word as they went back to the camp, nor even through her stern talk with him. He felt so foolish. Though, he did keep his eye out for anything in the forest, he did not want to meet whatever had caused him to fall again. Vanessa brought him to the others. Kassey, Cassandra and Riley expressed their concern over him and he noticed the newcomer, a male, as well. He spoke softly and full of fear, as they went back to the camp. [color=gold]"S-something in the w-woods... Had to throw up so I went into the woods."[/color] He paused trying to remember if he passed out but he didn't think so, [color=gold] "I-I didn't pass out, I remember it too clearly... s-something large out there." [/color] That was the last thing he said before they got back to the camp, and upon the realization that Evan was also gone, he put two and two together. He thought he heard his name being called... Evan must have gone out to look for him. His voice broke as he looked at the foreboding trees, [color=gold]"Oh no... Evan's out there, in the w-woods. H-he went to find me." [/color]