Sans dozed lightly, not in a deep enough sleep that he couldn't hear what was going on around him, but not awake enough to respond if someone tried to have a conversation with him. Luckily all he could hear was Frisk take a seat after him, and the comforting clatter of Paps banging around in the kitchen. It was a peaceful noise.... Until he started to drift a bit deeper into sleep. He wasn't really dreaming, but the memories, all of them, came drifting through his mind. First were the ones of peace, his usual routine with Pap and Frisk suddenly showing up in their lives. Those were good times, they'd had a lot of fun. But then came the memories of massacre. As Papyrus suddenly slammed a heavy pot of spaghetti on the table, Sans woke with a jolt. He could tell he wouldn't be sleeping tonight. He didn't brood over it though as the taller skeleton put down two plates, one in front of Frisk and one for Sans, and piled them high with delicious smelling spaghetti and meatballs. Wow, Paps really did go all out on this dish. But Sans didn't have time to compliment the chef as he laid out a fork for each of them and scurried off back into the kitchen. Papyrus returned moments later with two heavenly smelling pies and set them on the table. Giving an "ok" with his hand, Paps proudly stood to his full height,"BONE APPETITE! NOW, YOU TWO ENJOY YOUR MEAL! FRISK, DONT LET SANS EAT ALL OF THE PIE PLEASE, IT IS MOST UNHEALTHY FOR HIM. I SHALL RETURN AFTER MY DATE!" And with that, Papyrus was gone, dashing out the door with his cooking apron still one. Sans let out a laugh and looked to Frisk,"You thirsty, kiddo? We're gonna need something to wash all this food down." He listened for a response as he stood and walked to the kitchen, opening the fridge to find a large, bow-wraped bottle of ketchup, and a soda of similar decor. Other than that, there really wasn't anything in the fridge. With a shrug, he grabbed both and headed back to the table. "Whatcha feeling? Ketchup, or soda," he teased raising both bottles up for her to see. No one liked ketchup like he did. When she was younger, Frisk had asked to try some, so he let her. Man that was the funniest thing he'd ever seen. Her face scrunched up in adorable disgust and she'd stuck her tongue out. He set the soda down in front of her before retaking his seat and popping the cap off his lovely red bottle and took a big swig, giving a satisfied 'ah' as he set it down by his plate. He really needed that. Paps really was the greatest. Even though he didn't like Sans' eating habits, he still went out and got this for him. It was official, he had the best little bro ever. Picking up his fork, Sans twirled some noodles onto it before, in the least elegant way possible, stuffing it into his mouth. He wasn't shy about pigging out, it was natural to him. While other monsters tried to imitate human eating habits, Sans was just... Sans. If he wanted food, then by God he was gonna get it in his mouth one way or another. Eating messy just didn't take as much energy. Looking back to Frisk, he smiled, unaware of the noodle stuck to the corner of his grin,"I think this is the first time Paps hasn't burned something."