[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/cSFvBoU.jpg?1[/img] [sup]“I hold the wolf by the ears."[/sup] [b][h3]Luc Watkins[/h3][/b] 31. | January 15th. | 6’-1”. | First Class. [/center] [hr] [indent]♠ appearance. [indent][color=7d7d7d]Luc is a tall, imposing man. His back and shoulders form a deep “V” to his cut waist, and slabs of muscle are layered atop his otherwise athletic frame. His hands and forearms are wide and broad, and he effects the comparison to a stately tree that has had to withstand its share of gale-force wind. Yet, in spite of his rather beastlike build, his demeanor is softened with a handsome face, cool blue eyes, and an almost ever-present smile. Dark, well-kempt hair remains thick atop his head. Often as not, a comma curls across his left eyebrow, and he is easily spied absentmindedly blowing it from his gaze. When on his own time, Luc is usually seen wearing comfortably ragged t-shirts and shorts. He prefers bare feet to any shoe wear, though when he must cover his soles with [i]something[/i], well-worn leather sandals are his preference.[/color][/indent][/indent] [indent]♠ personality. [indent][color=7d7d7d]Luc can best be described as a pleasant soul. He is quick to kindness, and even quicker to optimism. There is a silver lining to ever situation in his mind. Though, he is prudent enough to know that such feelings should not be voiced in every instance, lest he be perceived as foolish or insensitive to those around him. When there is light to be brought to gloom, however, Luc is often the first to shine it upon his friends. Humor is not his first instinct, at least not humor brought about from his own lips. Luc is quick to mirth, however, especially when he perceives that it will brighten the mood of another. This trait often lends itself to being a deep listener, and a contemplator. There is little he prides himself in more than his ability to become a confidant for even the barest of strangers. To his detriment at times, Luc is quick to trust and keep faith. When looked at in a negative vantage, his personality could be viewed as almost childishly determined to see the good in the world. He is equally comfortable both alone, and in the company of others. Luc does not always actively seek companionship, though he certainly does not spurn it. Again, his desire to interact with his peers is often a product of his perceived ability to help or aid another in some way. When in combat, this desire to better or “save” others translates instantly into fervent protectiveness. Luc’s general state is one of calm and happiness, but in the throes of battle his focus shifts to a mentality of “Peace and longevity through superior violence.”[/color][/indent][/indent] [indent]♠ biography/background. [indent][color=7d7d7d]Fate was kind to Luc Watkins. Born into an upper-middle class family as an only child, Luc had the blessings of such a beginning showered upon him from his first breath. His lot in life could have easily steered his demeanor to one of selfishness, greed, and entitlement. Yet, he was also fortunate to have a family that forged into him a kind heart, a selfless drive, and a protective nature. From his youth, Luc was active both physically and mentally, striving to make his parents proud of their only progeny. He succeeded in academia, athletics, and in work. Every possible thing in Luc’s life seemed to be steering him to a life of prosperity and greatness. It was the life his parents had intended for him to have—the greatest gift they thought they could offer. This gift, while valued deeply by Luc, quickly lost its luster however. Monotony came in the form of his perfect, cookie-cutter life, until Luc found himself feeling an almost physical void well within him every morning when he awoke. The greatness defined by his parents had not become the same greatness for which he truly yearned. It was this void that spurned Luc’s decision to drastically alter the course of his destiny. He quit his well-paying job, left his pretty girlfriend, sold most of his belongings, and came to the recruitment centers of SOLDIER bent on finding a place in the world of his own construction. Given his background, intelligence, and physical prowess, SOLDIER selected him for duty almost immediately. [/color][/indent][/indent] [hr] [center][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/aZAXDuzIZHi48/giphy.gif[/img][/center] [hr] [indent]♠ weapons. [indent][color=7d7d7d]Luc goes into combat with a large rectangular shield, as well as a heavy warhammer. The shield is bolted mechanically to the forearm of his left gauntlet, and is detachable and plantible into most common earthen surfaces. This allows Luc to supply cover for himself or others, while also freeing up his body for swifter movement and deadlier hammer strikes. Given his loadout, Luc’s movements are slower and more deliberate than most of his compatriots’. [url=http://i.imgur.com/rqhna8X.jpg?1][sup]ARMOR[/sup][/url][/color][/indent][/indent] [indent]♠ skillset. [indent][color=7d7d7d]-Heavy hitter -High fortitude -Perceptive[/color][/indent][/indent] [indent]♠ ability [indent][color=7d7d7d]Luc is able to control the movement of his shield via telekinesis. He can move it to defend an individual or object, as well as utilize it as a minor offensive weapon.[/color][/indent][/indent] [indent]♠ aeon. [indent][url=http://nerdist.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/ZendikarArt_FEAT.png]Arcteryah[/url][indent][color=7d7d7d][color=white]White[/color] + [color=green]Green[/color]┊ [i]Protective, Fortifying[/i] Arcteryah is an Aeon best described as an alabaster anvil, and the hulking avatar of hope. His being is one of stony fortitude, protective zeal, belied with an organic twist of tree-like roots that encompass much of his form. White across his whole body, Arcteryah embodies an almost singular message and mission; protect and defend those worthy of life, love, and happiness.[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent] [indent]♠ limit/overdrive. [indent][color=7d7d7d][b]Dauntless Reprieve[/b] An array of super-hard obelisks of white stone erupt from the earth. This eruption can come to encircle a friend, for the means of soaking up massive amounts of abuse in lieu of the intended target. Or, it can be utilized to engulf an enemy, pulverizing the being between the sliding spires of alabaster rock.[/color][/indent][/indent]