Despite the threat of the bunker, the Xenomorphs only focused on the pods. These pods provided the bunker its resources for medical and of course food and ammo as well. Plus one also provided the engineers with materials to do repairs. The Xenomorphs had found out that much just by watching and observing. However, Erika and her boys of Wayland Yutani corporation had everything under control. One Xenomorph cut her off from one of the pods point of interest. Knowing what she planned to do. She stared at it and it stared at her. A inch of space separating them, Erika could feel it's breath. What she did next was something it did not expect. She reached up quick and grabbed its lower jaw and ripped it off. She then pointed her rifle down its throat and fired. It's body hit the ground like a sack of potatoes. She looked at its corpse and then back at her destination. She placed a few of the c4s on it and made sure they were good to go. Once she was done she meet up with the other soldiers in the pod and proceeded to the exit. One looked to her hand and saw the blood of the xenomorph dripping from her hand. It wasn't acidic blood though. It was strictly from the things head. He rose a brow and wondered what she did to one of them. The thought alone made him glad she was on their side. It wasn't hard for them to make a way through the pod and outside. When she exited she had gunned down three or four of the Xenomorph bastards with one short burst. This alone was boosting the moral of the WY Marines alone. With her presence they made a clean path towards the bunker. Once she figured they were far enough away she raised up the detonator and hit the red button. The pod then exploded taking out about a hundred of the bastards with it. Enough to scatter the forces that remained. She then looked around the entrance and noticed the two guards standing by Kiley's door. With enough focus her knew tech was able to read their lips and provide her what they were saying. The two of them sounded just like Ralph... She was going to kick this in the but before it even started. She looked to the soldiers with her. "Tell the guards at the towers and outlying area to push the Xenomorphs until they retreat like last time." She ordered and he nodded and moved away giving out the orders. She looked to Blitz and then to Jarvis. "You two are coming with me,... we have two more assholes thinking they can behave like Ralph and get away with it. I am ending it here and now." She said and without even waiting she headed for Kiley's door. Jarvis could see her fists were glowing as well as her eyes. They glowed blue and it kind of intimidated him. Jarvis gulped and looked over to Blitz. "I think she is pissed...." was all he could say. Before the guard to the right could even react she swung with her left and sent him to the ground with one good solid punch. With her right she let go of her rifle and grabbed the other by the throat and pinned him to the wall. Her grip tightening until he could barely breathe. "What this bunker doesn't need is another Ralph and you two know what happened to him. You want to stay alive you shut your mouth and do as you are told. Do you understand?" She said. Her face not a happy one. The guard she had held onto spat in her face. "Fuck you,... you..." His words didn't even get time to be finished before she pulled out her side arm and pulled the trigger. The bullet ripped through chest and through his heart. Instantly killing him. She tossed his lifeless corpse to the ground and looked to the guard still hold his jaw. "Now here is my warning to you,... this is our bunker now. Mine, Kiley's, Jin's, Hotaru's, Jarvis's, Blitz's, Miles's, and anyone else's who is willing to share it. This world doesn't revolve around you are any other piss ant. If I even so much as sense mutiny from you again, your corpse will be tossed outside with a similar hole in it." She said threatening. "Do I make my self crystal clear?... you know what fuck it. Better idea." She looked to a civilian. One of the men Ralph swore was on his side, but in truth he had a family with in the bunker and that was the only part of the deal he was willing to protect. She knew it too. "This place have a brig?" She asked him and the man nodded. She looked to the man on the floor. "Jarvis strip this man of his weapons and ammo and any supplies the rest of us could use if we have to. Afterwards this man here will show you to the brig. Toss this man inside it. Don't give him food or water unless I say otherwise." Jarvis didn't even hesitate and moved over pulling the weapon away from the man and his side arm. Jarvis and Jin began to strip the man of any thing of else they could use to help the survivors. In full watch of everybody. Erika turned around and looked to the crowd. "I am tired of me and my people giving their lives for you ungrateful bastards. If any of you people don't like us being here then your free to go. If you choose to stay then hear this. I will not tolerate any bit of mutiny, I am putting the order out to my men that any form of it will be dealt with on the spot and without mercy. You will be shot." She said. She then looked to two of her men. "Put out the order,.." She said and then gestured to two more of her men. "You can now guard this door and make sure Kiley rests as she is told by the doctors." She said and they nodded and moved to stand in place. Her father watched on with a smile on his face. He was mighty impressed with his daughter and looked to his soldiers who were basically hers now. He sighed and went back to the business at hand. Hotaru was in aw of Erika and her pursuit to make sure they survived. The length she went to do so was.... almost like something you would see in the movies or some anime. Each moment she spent with Erika was a glorious one and she cherished each bit of it. Erika was a hero she always needed when growing up and only wished she had meet her a long time ago.