(Zaiden- Blackwood Dungeon) The power of Zaiden Moore came not from the ability to conjure fire or punch through walls, but rather his ability to control and manipulate those who could conjure fire or punch through walls. He knew how to pull people’s strings. He knew how to pander to their darkest desires, and their deepest fears. Take for instance, the widespread islamophobia which seemed to be slathered all over every garbage “news” story that the mainstream networks shat out. People were scared of metahumans. People were scared of muslims. Why not put the two together? It just so happened that Adam Khameed, head janitor at River City Academy, was an american citizen of Bangladeshi descent. He was a practicing Christian, but Zaiden had an inkling that little detail would be skipped over when the newsteams started rolling in. With a horde of superpowered individuals at his fingertips, it wasn’t hard for Zaiden to snatch mister Khameed out of his shitty little downtown apartment in the dead of night, and quietly move him to the Blackwood dungeon, a sort of network of basements and bomb shelters which ran beneath the school. In a school full of students who could create machines out of thin-air, and re-write people’s personalities, it really wasn’t that hard to shift Adam Khameed’s mind into a state of complete chaos. Prior to today, the worst things the janitor had ever done was smoke a smidge of weed on a friday night. That was about to change.[b]Drastically.[/b] [i][b]“Do you understand what I’m saying to you?”[/b][/i] Zaiden called across to the doey-eyed janitor, stroking his finely groomed beard with a faint hint of disinterest. “Yeeesh, mistah Mooore…” the husk of a man stammered, just about managing to vomit out the words. [i][b]“There’s no more Mister Moore after this,” [/b][/i] Zaiden snapped[i][b]“No dungeon. No Blackwood. You were never here.” [/b][/i] “Yeeessh...Sir.” He wheezed. [i][b]“Excellent.”[/b][/i] Zaiden reached down to the side of his chair, where the fully-automatic assault rifle was waiting expectantly. He took a few, calculated steps over to the ex-human, placing the weapon firmly in his grasp. [i][b]“Shout ‘Allahu Akbar’ before you start shooting up the place, and you’ll be paying Fox News’ bills for the next month .”[/b][/i]Zaiden gave a grim little smirk [i][b]“Now get your ass to River City Academy and start getting trigger happy.” [/b][/i] He gave the janitor a slap on the shoulder, prompting the brainwashed zombie into action. Zaiden clasped his hands together, letting out a sweet laugh, like bathing in chocolate [i][b]“Now...I do believe I have a school to run.” [/b][/i]