[i]For the record, I still think this plan is foolish.[/i] "Yeah, yeah, I heard ya the first five times." hissed Shay in as low a whisper as possible. Presently, he was using Alastor's powers to blend himself into the colors of the foliage outside the military camp. Metropolis, being a quarantine zone, was pretty thoroughly locked down, as such entering the city wasn't happening without some form of authorization, be it from the Military or the Justice League. Shay, much to the demon's annoyance, made it his mission to get into the League's camp so he could directly offer his help to them. Getting Alastor to agree to the idea was difficult, but not impossible. The conversation had gone something like this: [i]"You want to do WHAT?" "You heard me. We sneak past the Military, then show ourselves to the Justice League. The very fact we reached them undetected should be impressive enough to convince them we're worth having around." "Yes, I heard that part. But, um, one question..." "Shoot." "WHY? Do you have ANY idea how [b]wrong[/b] that plan could go? And how exactly does joining the League's little crusade against Brainiac benefit us in any conceivable way? If anything it just paints an even bigger target on our backs." "Jaysus, I've told you before! I'm bloody flah'ed out with all this runnin' away bollocks. I say we find a way to take the fight to those bastards for a change!" "And you intend to use the League to do that? I'm not sure they'd appreciate being used like that." "That's why we're gonna help them first. We scratch their back, they scratch ours. We may be runnin' from the Divil, but the Justice League ain't no pushovers, neither. So what do ya say? Let's make nice with the League and earn us a favor we can cash in later." "That... is actually surprisingly well-thought-out. Fine, I agree... for now."[/i] "Your the one who agreed with my plan in the end." Shay pointed out, reminding the demon that he did indeed agree to what they were currently doing, and so complaining about it now was a waste of time. It was too late to back out now. [i]"Just because I agreed with it doesn't mean I have to like it."[/i] the demon's voice retorted. Sneaking past the Military wasn't as difficult as Shay initially thought it was going to be. Their security measures didn't exactly account for demonic stealth powers. Either that or they were too focused on watching Metropolis or paying more attention to the oddly Superman-like person that suddenly flew down into the camp at about that time. Holding his position and occasionally making his heart stop to maintain silence, Shay and (subsequently) Alastor watched from a fair business as the flying person basically beat Shay to his own plan and offered his assistance to the League. Although one of the apparent Leaguers gave the visitor more scrutiny than the others, even training one of her weapons on him in the event that he was looking to pick a fight. [i]"Um... Shay?"[/i] [i]We're a wee bit busy at the moment![/i] [i]"And this takes priority! There's a man with divine powers here, Shay! You may want to duck out of here before he-"[/i] [i]Will you shut up for a minute? I'm tryin' to watch![/i]