[center][color=gray][h2]Evan Whitman[/h2][/color][/center] Evan felt alone and scared. He shouldn't have gone out to look for Billy. This is what he gets for trying to be brave. Billy was probably fine and back at the camp now. He heard a low growl coming from somewhere behind him. [color=gray]"If this is a prank..."[/color] he said slowly. [color=gray]"It's not very funny..."[/color] He wished this was a prank. He wished that Kass, Cass, Riley, and Billy would just jump out of the darkness, laughing. At least it would just be a prank. At least he wouldn't be lost and alone in the woods. [color=gray][i]"Maybe the best thing to do would be to stay up..."[/i][/color] he thought to himself, trying to figure out the best course of action. [color=gray][i]"But there's still that unknown growling thing that's following me..."[/i][/color] The most important thing was to try to stay calm. He decided to try to go backwards. If he retraced his steps he would probably go back to camp right? Maybe he'll even find out what the low growling noise is... Though he's not too sure how much he wants to find out. [color=gray]"HELLO? I'M LOST. ANYONE THERE?"[/color] Evan shouted as he tried to retrace his steps. He was not one to shout, but desperate times called for desperate measures. [color=gray]"HELLO? RILEY? CASS? KASS? BILLY? ANYONE?"[/color]