[hr][center][h2][i]The Basics[/i][/h2] [img]http://s3.wallippo.com/thumbs/300x250/beautiful-red-hair-girl-90a3fcdfb1893b53e6d68388d1f9093b.jpeg[/img] [b]Full Name:[/b] [indent]Alison Frost[/indent] [b]Nickname:[/b] [indent]Alice[/indent] [b]Age:[/b] [indent]21[/indent] [b]Gender:[/b] [indent]Female[/indent] [hr][h2][i]Who I am...[/i][/h2] [/center] "I am the daughter of a doctor and an angel, I am the only child of a broken home and a shattered family, I am the remnants of love and kindness. I dream too much and wish too hard, my life consists of loneliness as my father is away at the hospital and my mother has gone to heaven. I stand strong against the sadness that plagues my life, I am a soft soul with a caring touch and a stable grasp at the cruelty of time." "I want to be a doctor, but not in the States, I want to be a doctor where people see the worst everyday, I want to be the one light they've ever seen, I want to live freely and save lives, I want to appease my father and make my mother proud, but more than this, I want to no longer be alone." "I am an owl on the winds of hope, I sore freely through the night sky, my wings silent through the air, my large round eyes catching every thing. I soar into the stars to be with my mother, I fly as high as I can but soon cannot breathe and I have yet to near the atmosphere, I push harder and hold my breath, my wings working diligently, my lungs screaming in panic, I close my eyes as my wings begin to slow, deprived of oxygen. Reopening my eyes I see my mother, her soft blue eyes staring into my brilliant green ones, she smiles at me kindly and waves, my vision soon goes black as I realize I have yet to breathe. I fall back toward the ground, back to my distant father." [hr]