[color=f7941d] "Zzzzzzzzzzz..."[/color] In the middle of an alleyway, in a part of town where a certain mage did not know his way around, a suit of armor leaned on a halberd, large snoring noises coming out of the helmet. The point was embedded in the ground, with the suit's head leaning on the handle. Slowly, but surely, the head began to slowly move, making moaning sounds that would come from someone who had not had enough sleep. Finally, the figure removed his helmet, and under it was the white hair and pale face of Ethan Larcia, better known as motion. [color=f7941d]"H...how long was i asleep?"[/color] He asked no one in perticular. His vision was fuzzy, and he coukdnt tell the exact time. He hadnt slept before in the last three days. He would just keep going, and going, practising his magic, goofing around, over and over...until he just collapsed from exhaustion in a random place and slept for twenty-four hours straight. It wasnt healthy in the slightest. Ethan knew that, but in all honesty, he didnt perticularly care. There was always more to do... Finally, after a few minutes, he realized that he wasn't going to get to sleep. There was something going on, and there was far too much noise for him to rest again. Finally, he picked himself up, using his halberd as a defacto cane, and staggered out of the alleyway, only to be met with the sight of a festival. [color=f7941d][i]"That was today?! Why didn't anyone tell me? Oh. right, they probably did... I don't know what anyone tells me anymore. Usually its something like, "Hey Ethan, stop wrecking all those buildings" or, "Hey Ethan, you shouldn't fight so much!" or even "Hey Ethan, stop goofing around in your S-Class promotion trial!"[/i][/color] He looked around. [color=f7941d][i]"...the hell am i talking to, anyway?"[/i][/color] He walked around for a moment, wondering what he should do. He hoped he hadnt wrecked anything the night before, his memory was still a tad fuzzy. If so, he was going to get one hell of a yelling at if he got back to the guild. He stopped for a moment, noticing a familiar face sitting by herself. He strolled over, cheerfully sitting near them. [color=f7941d][color=f7941d]"Hey there! You are that golem's hand mage that likes burning people, arent you! Good for you! Heat is such a cool thing to fight with, as i can testify. I don't suppose you have the time do you? I fell asleep in an alley way last night and ive completely lost track of time."[/color][/color]