[hr][center][h2][i]The Basics[/i][/h2] [img]https://carlosdev.files.wordpress.com/2013/06/beware-the-gonzo.jpg?w=584&h=328[/img] [b]Full Name:[/b] [indent]Patrick Franklin[/indent] [b]Nickname:[/b] [indent]Pat[/indent] [b]Age:[/b] [indent]22[/indent] [b]Gender:[/b] [indent]Male[/indent] [hr][h2][i]Who I am...[/i][/h2] [/center] "I sometimes believe that happiness is not needed. People often chase after it, dream of it or even trade their lives over something they can only grasp on temporarily, and in the end, what's the point of it all? Do you think that by attaining happiness, you've obtained something that can save you from all of the meaningless things we're trying hold on? You don't even know what your true purpose in life is and yet you pretend it's the cure for something you can't even understand. I'm not buying this bullshit, none of the things we hear nor learn provide any significant meaning. People always say to be happy, but that's just them telling us what to do, what to feel. There's nothing to be happy about, we live in a world with so little meaning and a purpose we absolutely have no idea of. We're slaves to this illusion, to this so-called emotion that makes us appreciate the emptiness living inside us." "I don't care if my life is spiraling down to obscurity. I admit that it's my fault; all of these are the products of my foolishness. I'm still young, I know, but I'm not as young as to believe that life's full of hope. At least...not anymore. I realized that when you dream something big, all of it will be lost once you wake up. Setting goals are just the same, the only difference is that goals let you waste time to believe into something that will only fade away once you begin to notice that none of it is real. I'm not frustrated enough, or at least not yet since I can still afford to breathe air into every useless thing I can see. Reality forces me to do labour for its own well-being, but I guess I have no choice. Beer's not cheap and it's always freezing outside, so homelessness won't be an option for me." "I work as a waiter. I've dropped out of college a year ago. Money was cut short and I couldn't get a scholarship since laziness and my smoking habit were both growing on me. Honestly, I'm relieved I got out of that shit hole. They have a funny way of defining education, and I pity those who remain in that forsaken place, forced to understand something that they don't need in their lives. Who am I kidding though, they won't ever understand anything about their lives. The world is just a loop that we kept on circling and circling until we find something meaningful, but instead we find the opposite of it. I am certain that I won't be living long, or at least long enough until everyone realizes they're living in an illusion. If that day ever comes, I'd die to have a look on their faces." [hr]