[center]*****[/center] Ambassador Martin decided he found the Alliance's way of welcoming foreign dignitaries to be a very interesting custom. Peculiar of course but altogether appreciated. He was a young man in the prime of his youth with an appetite to match his stamina but the 15 daughters of Duke Kollin had got the better of him. Their job had probably been to delay him whilst the Alliances' men hammered out a response to the appeal made by the government of Dont but right now he didn't mind, having alternated between youth and experience for the better part of two hours. A wandering wise man had once told him that the only time a man is truly able to think was in a period of time after sexual satisfaction during which his thoughts were clear and unobstructed. If this was true he could only hope that this window would allow him enough time to have a wash, get dressed and to meet the dignitaries.Of one thing he was certain, he was eager to discover the Alliance's farewell ceremonies. Nevertheless he was a man eager to do his duty and after having very briefly met his Alliance counterparts and Duke Kollin who had so generously welcomed him he made his way to the council's meeting. [center]*****[/center] It took a few more minutes before the ambassador entered the chambers. In his time of absence, the dukes and the parliament leaders further discussed their plans more thoroughly. Every word that would be said to the ambassador was inspected and changes were made so that their plan would sound very appeasing to the ears of the Azvanorian. As the young men entered, the men slowly hushed themselves. They all offered a formal introduction and welcomed Ambassador Martin inside. They could only hope that Kollin's daughters softened the man enough for what he was about to hear. As business was discussed, Duke Kollin II and Duke Hemmlar V explained in great detail their plan to send 9,500 armed soldiers of the alliance to Dont. Immediately, the men gauged from the subtle expressions on the man's face that there would indeed be some indifference from the Azvanorian majority about the alliances plan. Duke Kollin II took the man's attention. "You must understand that this army would pose no threat to the Dont citizens. It is no secret that we have a bit of a mistrust for Von Kliebb and he is not very trusting of us also. The only reason in fact that he asked us for help was that because he had no other people to turn to. This army we are sending are part of a plan to negotiate with the Dont president, to '[i]pursuade[/i]' him of a different course of action other than the one he is taking now. We are no more friends of the man than you and your people are." The ambassador then understood that the alliance were planning to force the president's hand on something, something the alliance needed badly. What that is is still a complete mystery to the young man. Duke Kollin II tapped the man on the shoulder, happy that he finally knew their intent. The men spent a few more hours discussing on how the ambassador should go about explaining the alliance's plans for Dont to the king of Azvanor. The men gave the ambassador helpful '[i]advice[/i] on what he should report once he returns to his home country. Then trade agreements and economic matters were discussed. This particular subject cleared the air of the heavy atmosphere of uneasiness between the ambassador and the men of the alliance. Once they were satisfied, they shook the young boys hand as he prepared to depart back to Azvanor. The ceremonies for the exiting of honored guest were displayed and the young ambassador were given gifts from Grudden. Duke Nollin approached the young man as he rode his steed, preparing to depart. "It was a pleasure, truly, to meet a young man as capable as yourself. The art of politics are said to usually be reserved for old men. You are quite an exemption to that saying." Duke Kollin II said and he gave a light laugh. "We wish to see you again here in Grudden. The doors of my home and of the other duchies are always open to our friends of the north. Farewell good sir." As the man nodded and turned back, Duke Kollin II called his name again. "I almost forgot Sir Martin, my daughters were so found of you that they couldn't stop telling so many tales about you. Naturally, when I told them you were leaving, they very disheartened. That is why they shall accompany you on your trip back home. I hope you do not mind?" The look on the young man's face said otherwise. "Excellent, you shall be taking my ship on the port town of Jesper just a few miles north of here. It is the fastest ship of the sea. It would take you only a week before you reach the shores of Azvanor, muich faster than on land where you had to travel for almost a month, no? Take good care sir and please take good care of my daughters too." As the ambassador departed from the estate, he was followed by a carriage painted maroon. It was then followed by the Duke's royal guards. Once the ambassador had departed, Kollin went back to his companions. "Has he left?" Asked Duke Hemmlar V. "Yes he has, along with my daughters." The Duke of Grudden answered. "Lucky bastard." Von Mannchier said as he and the other men headed back inside the building.