Name: Nerox Helrazer Age: 15 Gender: male Abilities: supernatural strength, most humans when in danger gain strength to protect themselves. Nerox however can use that function on command. Personality: when he mad: pure utter rage, he's also short tempered and when he's angry he reacts without thinking, besides thinking kill, kill, kill, kill. Otherwise he cool, and very relaxed and hates to fight. Appearance:[img][/img] After his little temper tantrum, the room looks a little something like this[img][/img] (a bit outdated pic, I exaggerated a lot but he does have the power to do this.) Bio: First off no he didn't kill his parents, they disowned him out of fear of death. Around 7 he started having his temper tantrums, at first it was nothing, the he start throwing toys, then bins of toys, then chairs, then he tried throwing a vending machine outside the school and broke his back after lifting it. This process continued, lifting a heavy object, break a bone, heal, repeat. At 13 he's bones where strong enough to withstand the weight do to the fact of how many times they broke. He kept injuring, sometimes killed, student and counselor, that somehow pissed him off, probably why he kept changing schools. At 14 they gave up on him and disowned him, since then he's been bouncing around orphanages.