She rested her head on a bench, blonde curls suffocating one another in an attempt to bind and knot into dreadlocks and escape the lack of care and constant fluctuating dampness even as they fell from her horizontal angle towards the unsavory floor. She had been grasping at sleep with languid claws, but it continued to dart about with the rest of her thoughts. She shuffled skeletal fingers through the mess, not to control but to relocate, as her head canted to take in the dim seedy establishment her employer had offered up for cheap. Her present lodging did little to abate her elation; rather, it appeared a mere window to a yawning expanse she had yet to explore. She abandoned sleep with a caustic sigh and sat up, tapping a lho-stick against the arm of the bench and then pressing it between lips devoid of any healthy pallor. A blaze stemmed from an igniter and cast a glow upon her paling eyes that fell shut for a brief moment as she inhaled. Upon exhale her eyes reopened and it became apparent that her right eye had succumbed to an inky blackness that crept from her pupil like a rotted root systems into the sclera. If it bothered her, she didn’t let it show; her lips were resting in a pleased manner about the lho-stick as she began tying up her boots. She had always been an outworlder, born and raised in a civilized world that’s population barely boasted half a billion and hive cities had been of little interest in her past life. To be fair, nothing had been of any real interest in her past life. There had been mention of hive worlds from visiting [s]friends[/s] in the past life; their voices foggy echoes laced in acedia mirroring her own so that she could barely recall what she’d been told, something about pollution and overcrowding. Their distaste had been palpable, but as she rolled it around her mouth she let her own palate savor the promise of such an inimical place. Abhorrent smells, disturbing people, surrounded by sin with the sanctimonious looming just out of reach for the masses; what more could a girl ask for? She’d even been provided with something to keep her busy. While Nurgle was ever present in her fever muddled mind, his bidding didn’t always pay. The jobs that did pay were never exclusive though; she could always do a little something something for Nurgle. She thought about forming some sort of plan as she pulled her flak jacket off the back off the bench and slipped it on; a plan to locate the young boy with an affinity for narcotics and easy women. He owed a few debts, enough that someone was willing to pay her to find him. She opened the small door and took another drag of the stick. Her soul purred something pleasing as she looked out at the underbelly, coaxing her, and making a plan would have to be plan B. She pulled a hood from beneath her jacket over her messy hair, failing to hide the depraved smile but adding a bit of anonymity to her stroll. A levity of fate swallowed the weight of her stride so that she bounced easily through the door and into wretched depths of the hive.