[@Saint Girralo] [@thewizardguy] His glorious charge once again ruined by the Earth rebelling against him, the Mage-Knight was starting to really hate Earth mages now... Knowing that it wasn't from one of the twins since that meek little babe didn't have it in his too pure heart heart to pull off such a brazen, disgraceful act nor have the audacity to do so, especially when the Knight made it obvious that it was to be an honorable duel; the metal monster quickly gets back up on his feet and the moment he sees a woman literally oozing with mana and dark energies, even someone as simple-minded as he was quick to put two and two together and subsequently marched towards her as he went on a tirade using a lot of none-too noble words. "What and who in the name of the Sankt Kaiser's armored thong are you, abomination?! Some illiterate witch who fellated an extradimensional alien for ultimate power that one of the Executives found on squatting some stinking backwater?!" Being completely ignored by the mad magician only made the Knight's pace quicken, intent on smashing his armored fist into the her face; damn the chewing out he'll get from the captain and whatever vile sorcery she'll unleash in retaliation. But as he approaches her and his opponent, he manages to hear the magician say something that turned nearly all of his indignant anger into cold, unrelenting contempt before coming to the rather obvious conclusion that she was a total psychopath; the kind that his comrades usually make examples out of after really bad days... And this day has been a very, very shitty one indeed... However, orders are orders and work must come before pleasure. as she walked past the Knight, he whispers a very unsubtle threat at her. "Prepare for us..." And then his entire foreboding badass persona he was attempting on the magician goes out the window when Roy's fireball explodes on his face, causing him to stagger back out of shock and surprise before he mutters a curse and makes an inhumanly quick but rather clumsy lunging thrust towards the Alchemist officer, a fierce attack done out of impulsive anger; the kind a professional wouldn't utilize even in the most advantageous situation.