[color=0072bc][center][h3]~Ceri~[/h3][/center][/color] [color=0072bc]"Eeep!"[/color] Was all Ceri could respond to the hug with. Not that she really minded a hug from Illedrith, quite the opposite. She was just startled by the rather suddenness of the act. Still, she returned the hug as best she could, already feeling much better about this whole thing. Illedrith's words, giving the small girl much needed comfort, and when she finally released Ceri, the small girl only gave a quiet giggle, giving Klisa a grin from under her hood. Maybe today wouldn't be so bad after all. [hr] The walk to town was uneventful for the three of them. Ceri was of course, dressed in her blue robe and sticking close to Klisa. So far, things had been quiet. Fairly pleasant, even, much to Ceri's delight. The people were pretty friendly, though she still didn't like the crowds, but as long as she didn't get separated from Mis or Klisa, she'd be fine. The peace didn't last long, though. [color=fff79a]"Ria, what have you done this t-AAAHH! AGAIN?!? Ria, you can't keep freezing random citizens in blocks of ice like this!! Don't you remember how angry the guildmistress was at you last time?? What were you thinking? Unfreeze him immediately!"[/color] The sudden shouting caused Ceri to instinctively flinch, taking a few steps back from Illedrith and moving closer towards Klisa. As much as she liked her, loud noises would never be a welcome thing for Ceri, even if it was one of her friends doing the shouting. Of course, she didn't say anything though. Mis was right - Ria, a guild mate had frozen someone. That was rather mean, and something she might have reprimanded Ria for if she was asked her opinion on it. [color=slategray]"Well well well, two little harlots appear in a Golem event and they attack the citizenry? Tch tch tch. That's no good... Maybe you two ought to leave"[/color] And then things got worse. Much worse. She recognized the voice immediately. Vega Ashworth. Out of everyone in the golem's hand guild, aside from that other creepy guy she forgot the name of, she disliked him the most. Aside from him constantly messing with her, he liked to shove and push her. She had already told both Klisa and Mis about these incidents, but he still seemed keen on doing it. She simply fixed the man with a harsh glare from under her robe, though it didn't stop her from wilting and hiding behind Klisa just ever so slightly. [color=#005ec0]"Enough."[/color] The voice was loud enough to be heard by their little group. Ceri was too focused on Vega to react much though, still fixing him with a wary glare as the new person walked up. She didn't like fighting, not at all, but she was honestly tired of Vega's bullshit. The next time he did something, she might very well teach him a lesson herself. Last time she had said some rather unkind things to him, and she'd likely do it again. [color=#005ec0]"The guildmaster had arranged this event as the founding of the guild, not for the purpose of prohibiting Harpy's Wings members from joining. If you have a problem with this decision, take it with me. Ria, I would advice you not to propagate the misuse of your powers at our festival. Illedrith reprimand her as needed."[/color] Ceri noted the other person was another member of Golem's Hand. Rei, she believed his name was. She didn't know much about him, other than she thought he was rather intimidating, though after this incident she might have to re-evaluate her assumptions a little, though he was still intimidating. Maybe just a bit more friendly then she thought, especially considering he got rid of Vega. That earned him quite a few points in her book, though she still didn't seem to relax quite so much with him there. [color=0072bc]"A-ah...M-maybe we could get...something to eat?"[/color] She quietly asked Klisa and Mis. She was a bit hungry, and that was one of the reasons she wanted to be here, too. Plus she could go for something to distract her from the rather close brush with Vega. [@Lord Sawsaw2][@KiltmanBagz]