[center][h2][color=Blue]X[/color][/h2] [sub]Eldritch IV - The Back Lines, Observing the chaos[/sub][/center] [hr] X turned his head away from Corban as he struggled to contain the energy building in his right arm. What in the world was that sound? Who was speaking? X dedicated a great deal of his processing power towards keeping his buster from [i]imploding,[/i] but it shouldn't have affected his sensors! Ghosts? Ghosts! It had to be ghosts, or had the nightmare returned to haunt him again? No, he'd eliminated that threat years ago, there was no chance for their return. [color=0054a6]"Who said that?"[/color] X called out, slowly turning his head towards Corban. There he was, egging him on to fire his weapon. For a second, he considered it, as there were many key points in the battle to influence with his devastating energy cannon. X could let it all out, and eradicate a considerable chunk of the enemy forces, or pin down a key in their offense. Devastating a portion of the Chaos base's defenses was sound enough, and wouldn't cause any unnecessary casualties. Aiming his weapon anywhere else on the battlefield however... [color=0054a6]"Augh!"[/color] X croaked, losing all control over his buster's energy. In a split second, its target had been locked in, and within a few moments, a massive rotating wave of blue energy zoomed across the battlefield towards the base's main defenses. It was easily several yards in diameter, and possessed enough crushing power to eradicate a fair portion of their defensive cannons. Hopefully there was nobody to deflect or deter his charge shot from crushing its target. Hell, who was X kidding? That much energy? Surely it would hit home, and nobody could hope to stop it. The recoil sent X backwards, the flats of his large feet skidding across dirt and stone until he was standing several yards away from the edge of the vantage point he'd chosen to begin charging at in the first place. The concussive wave may have affected his observers as well, who knew, but one thing was certain. X was hopeful that his shot would influence the battle. For a moment he stood frozen there, glaring at the charged shot as it flew towards it target. X drew his gaze towards the buster on his arm, and wondered for a moment exactly how much good he could have done at that battle. He couldn't help but hold back, regardless of what he'd told himself after Zero was killed all those years ago. His green eyes flickered, dead set on the deep blue coating that covered his whole body. It took a moment for him to snap out of his melancholy daze, and address Corban Directly. [color=0072bc]"Where did you come from?! I was saving that shot for an emergency!"[/color] X wailed, frustrated over Corban's interference.