(Joan- River City Hallway) Joan looked at Charly when she came up to her. The young girl had been one of the school's better heroes, once she managed to get a sense of self-confidence. "It was fine, Charly. Lots of paperwork, though. Running a school like this is a year-round job." She gave the young girl a cheery smile. "So, how about you? Been practicing your powers, I hope." She always liked to remind her students to get some work in during their time off. It made things so much easier if they weren't rusty when they came back. [@Mr_pink] (Anita-River City Hallway) [i]Hmm... the launcher could use a little more elastic.[/i] Anita had been thinking of ways to improve her devices. In fact, she'd been so focused on this that she wasn't watching where she was going, and bumped into a boy. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry! I didn't see you there!" She recovered enough to say, "I'm Anita. Gadget maker. Mind if I ask who you are and what you can do?" [@Blackpanther]