[@dirty slime][@Saint Girralo] Darquesse looked down, as suddenly the ground had formed shackles around her legs. She could tell the guy had magical abilities, but this was certainly something she hadn't seen before. His previous fire and earth manipulation had convinced her that he was an elemental mage, much like she had once been. But this was certainly odd. Perhaps, like her, he knew multiple schools of magic? He also seemed quite intent on getting himself killed, his displays of power up until now made it clear he wasn't her equal. And yet he wished to face both her and the knight dude, whom she could tell was a fairly powerful mage in and of himself. He then forged a sword, although she could tell from the way he held it that his knowledge was limited to 'don't hold the pointy end'. She wasn't all that skilled of a swordswoman herself, but she'd seen swordmasters. And when they held a sword, the weapon was a part of their body. Roy launched a ball of flame at her, but she wasn't in the mood to play. Her interest had been piqued by this figure's odd magic, which seemed to merge standard elemental magic with some kind of metal-creating ability. She swatted at the flames, a powerful gust of wind dispersing the inferno away from her. The metal around her feet was more annoying, but she merely applied some concentrated flames to it. Stepping away from the dripping molten metal, she walked towards the alchemist. Of course, that was when the knight tried to threaten her, with all the subtelty of a brick to the face. "Oh I'm sorry. I zoned out for a bit. All I heard was 'ultimate power'. Everything else was a blur." She grinned at him, and she could tell he was able to sense her magic. By the way he held himself, and the way he moved. Although he appeared to be convinced she was on his side as he moved past her, attempting to attack Roy. "Not so fast, Arthur." A wall of hardened air would separate the knight from his target, as he slammed into it face first. This guy really wasn't having any luck with his charges today. "This guy's fun, I wanna see what makes him tick. So why don't you sit down and wait for your turn? Don't worry, I'll make this quick. And afterwards, I'll be sure to let you look at his organs before I turn you into paste." She smiled, as she responded to his threat with the insurance of death. Subtlety wasn't among her many talents. But killing people most certainly was... Turning back to Roy, she covered her arms in solid shadow, much in the way Lord Vile would often do. A solid blade of darkness formed in her hands, the size of a greatsword but with none of the weight. "So, based on your fancy uniform, I'm guessing you're an officer of some kind. And based on your insistence on killing yourself, I'm guessing you think slowing us down is going to save your friends back there. But you see, I'm a fast worker, and I could totally kill them after I finish you off. So-" As Darquesse was about to conclude her bad-guy monologue, a blast of laser fire smashed into her face from the side. Most of her skin seemed to burn away as the bone was revealed, small bits of singed flesh dropping to the floor as she staggered sideways. But before she could fall, her flesh rebuilt itself. Muscles reattached to the bone, bone knit itself together, and skin grew over it as if nothing had happened. "Well, that was rude. Ow. Never got hit by a laser before." Darquesse cast her magic senses in the direction she'd felt the laser come from, and felt the souls of a number of soldiers. Mundane and pointless, but they had laser weapons. That was pretty dope. She'd have to make sure her mech had lasers, when they finished building it. [@Nightknight] A bunch of other lasers were fired, and most of them hit their mark. But Darquesse had focused her magical defences now, and they just fizzled out as they struck her face. It was a rather odd sight, as the flashes off light simply bounced off the teenager. "Okay. BRB. I've got to go kill me some soldiers." She threw a quick comment at the knight as well. "Make sure not to kill him before I come back, or I'll strangle you with your favourite internal organ." With those words she shot off, propelling herself with a blast of air as she moved towards the group of soldiers lead by Alexandria, still brandishing the massive blade of darkness.