[@Saint Girralo] [@thewizardguy] The Air wall only succeeded in slowing down the Knight's charge, but slowed him down like how a wave would knock against someone trying to run against it; his own momentum and the broken wind barrier causing him to almost loose balance; but despite his heavy armor and how clumsy and impulsive the charge had been, he doesn't trip over himself like the last time, either his enchanted armor dampens the effects of magic against it or his physical strength and endurance was simply that great. Whatever the case, the knight now decided that he'll definitely punch her face off for her dishonorable conduct; except that a Resistance sniper team did it for him and much to his disappointment, the witch regenerated the damage... He'll need some help with this, specifically the celestial kind. Glaring at the witch and completely ignoring her threat as she flies off to deal with the snipers, the Knight goes back to Roy and tries to make sure he can't spellcast any more by suddenly kicking a discarded helmet towards his left arm, a kick so powerful that it almost shattered the thing outright and sent it flying faster than a baseball thrown by a Major League Pitcher.